Chapter 3

458 33 10

Same day

May 14th 2016
Houston TX

I finish bringing all Beyonce's stuff inside and put it all in one of the spare rooms that is next to mine. I walk into the kitchen to see Bey and my mom chatting. 

"All your stuff is upstairs. I will help you unpack after lunch" I say as I sit at our island. 

"Lunch" Bey questions. 

"Oh yay, I have Chicken alfredo cooking on the stove right now" my mom explains. 

"Oh, so that's what spelled so good" Bey says, and we both nod.

"Oh, by the way Bey, all Megan's friends call me Mama Holly" Bey nods before speaking. 

"Well thank you again Mama Holly for opening your home to me and thank you Megan for being so kind to me" we both smile at her gratitude. She really didn't deserve the cards she was dealt. She is such a sweet and might I add beautiful girl. 

"That's what we do" I say back making her smile. She has such a pretty smile. 

I wasn't actually planning to go to the park today because I wanted to sleep in and I hate going to the park when it's crowded because my anxiety, but I'm so happy I did because I was able to help Bey out since I went. 

Though my parents taught me that not everyone who acts like your friend is your friend, I was also always taught by my mom and dad to be kind to others and so I always no matter who the person is, lead with kindness. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't dealt the same cards I was giving out, and through Elementary school and Middle school I was bullied for being different from the other girls, which caused me to develop extreme anxiety. 

It got so bad that I had to change school districts at the end of 8th grade, which was the best thing for me, because I made a whole lot of friends and was voted class favorite by my classmates in 10th grade and I'm most likely gonna get it this year too. 

You are probably wondering if I was so liked at my new school, why was I so hated at my old school. I have one word for you, Onika. Me and Onika were best friends since kindergarten all up until the fourth grade. We were both also well liked. We were inseparable, and super close, so close that I felt confident enough to tell her my biggest secret. Onika actually kept that secret for basically all of 4th grade after promising me she wouldn't tell anyone, but that all came crashing down when the guy she had a crush on gave me a note asking me to be his girlfriend. 

I politely declined because 1 I was a good friend, and 2 because I had known since I was like 8 that I didn't like boys. Onika also knew that but for some reason it made her angry, so she told the boy that liked me my secret, who told his friend, who told his friend and so on until my whole grade knew. 

I started to get teased by the girls and the boys started treating me very roughly. It continued to get worse, and in 8th grade a boy pushed me so hard that I broke my arm, he laughed at me and said he expected me to be a lot stronger. 

Onika was at the head of all my bullying, literally paying girls to say something mean to me and promising to kiss the boys who tried to rough house with me. I used to cry every day after school, and I would cry every morning before school dreading going. My mom finally got a promotion, and it allowed us to move to the better side of South Park and to the better school. 

I promised myself that I would never tell anyone my secret, my closest friends don't even know. My last girlfriend didn't even know my secret and we were together for 2 years. We broke up because she wanted to have sex with me, but I wasn't ready, so it was amicable, and we are still really close friends. 

We weren't gonna last anyway honestly, I jumped into that relationship because she was there for me after my dad died in 9th grade and I kinda felt obligated to date her after she told me she liked me. I'm glad me and Victoria are still friends though because she is such an amazing, kind person, and she is the one who introduced me to one of my closest friends now Kehlani. I met them because Victoria and her started dating and currently still are and we've been a trio since. 

They've both tried to set me up with people so that we could go on double dates, but I just politely decline, I really don't mind being the third wheel. My family are the only people that know about my secret, and I would like to keep it that way. 

"Whatcha thinking about" I get knocked out of my thoughts, hearing Bey's voice. 

"Huh, oh nothing really, just how it was really fate that I ended up at the park today" I played it off. 

"Same" she responds, and we both smile at each other. 

"Well girls, lunch is ready so y'all go get washed up so y'all can eat" we both nod and head to the bathroom. I let Bey go first and I stand behind her looking at her in the mirror. I look down at the floor when she turns the water off, so that she didn't catch me looking at her. She is really pretty. 

"You are really pretty you know" I hear Bey say making me look up. 

"Oh, thank you" I say shyly before continuing. 

"You know, I was just about to tell you the same thing" she smiles at me. 

"That explains why you were looking at me through the mirror" I blush in embarrassment. 

"Don't be embarrassed, I was doing the exact same thing" she added giving me a smile. I smile back before washing my hands. I think I have officially made a new friend.

A little insider into Megan's life and how she ended up at the park. Also, a little cute moment between Bey and Meg at the end. I want to add that Kehlani uses she/they pronouns so I will be using them interchangeably in the story. Did you expect Megan's story to be like that? Leave a comment and I hope y'all enjoyed.

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