Chapter 10

417 40 7

July 2nd 2016
Houston TX

I've been on bedrest for the past 3 weeks, and I'm sick and tired of it. I'm not allowed to stand for more than 10 minutes, and it's driving me nuts. I can't even fucking shower, I have to take bathes. All I wanna do is go hand out with Kelly and Michelle but I can't. I had to tell them I was going on vacation with Megan for the next month. 

Megan has been great though. She brings me whatever I want, takes me out on drives, carries me up and down the stairs, lets me watch her play the game, and plays all the board games I could think of. I don't know what I would do without her, and I really appreciate her. 

It's just that at 15 weeks pregnant, I am in my 2 trimester, and all I want to do is go and do things now that I'm not sick all the time. 

I decide that I'm gonna take myself for a drive. I will still be sitting, and so I'm technically not breaking any rules. 

I get up and put some clothes on. Before I went downstairs, I tied my hair up in a bun. I checked if the coast was clear, and it was. I went to grab my keys and when I walked out, I was met with Megan standing in front of the stairs with her arms crossed and a playful confused look on her face. Does she have spidey senses or something. 

"Where do you think you're going missy" she says playfully.

"Umm" I tried to come up with an excuse, but this pregnancy brain is making it hard. 

"Come on, back to the room" Megan picks me up bridal style, and instead of walking me to my room she takes me to her room. 

"How about a change in scenery" she places me on her bed before getting in next to me. She has anime playing on her TV, so she was probably going downstairs to refill her empty snack box when she caught me. 

"So where were you trying to go" she props herself up next to me laying on her side, before putting her hand on my stomach like she normally does. 

"I just wanted a snack" I lied. 

"Blueberry I think your mommy is lying, is she lying" she puts her ear to my stomach, pretending as though my baby is talking back to her. 

"Exactly Blueberry I know she's lying, cause she doesn't think I saw her keys in her hand" she talks to my belly as if I can't hear her. 

"Right such a liar, you wouldn't lie to me tho Blueberry... I know you wouldn't... don't tell your mommy this but you're my favorite... uhun yep... I'm your favorite too, aww how sweet" she kisses my stomach, and I whack her in the head, cause how she gonna say my unborn baby is her favorite, and say she my baby favorite. 

"Oww" she holds her head. 

"Nah cause you playing. If anything, I'm both of y'alls favorites. Get it right" Megan just playfully rolled her eyes. 

"I think your mommy is jealous, and a little grumpy... yeah maybe we should feed her" I swear she acts like I can't hear her. 

"Girl, you know I can hear you" I flick her neck. 

"Oww, hold up Blueberry, the grumpzilla is interrupting our conversation" she sits up and laughs. While I cross my arms. 

"You're not funny, you know that" she really be playin with me. 

"Actually, I am, and Blueberry seems to think so too... but anyways for real where were you finna drive off too" I was hoping she would forget about that. 

"I just wanted to take a drive. I'm so tired of being coped up in this damn house" I sigh. 

"Why didn't you just ask me to help you get downstairs, I could have taken you out" ugh she is so fucking sweet, and she be wondering why I'm always crying. 

"Because for once I didn't wanna bother you. You have been taking care of me for almost a month" I sigh. In all honesty she's been taking care of me since I moved in. 

"Bey, do you know why I don't mind taking care of you" she asked. 

"No, cause I wouldn't even take care of me. I'm a lot to deal with" I say. 

"One, no you're not, and two, don't talk down on yourself. The reason I take care of you is because I enjoy it. You're a great person Bey, and I really enjoy your company. You are so funny and kind. I don't really see it as taking care of you because I'm really not doing much, and for the most part I see it as hanging out" I smiled feeling her hand caress my belly, as she talks. I swear she is the sweetest person I know. 

"So, no more talking down on yourself, cause one, it's not true, two, my Blueberry doesn't like hearing her mommy talk like that, three, I don't like hearing my friend talk about herself like that, and four, you're caring my Blueberry which automatically makes you the coolest person I know" I can already feel the tears flowing. 

"Damn Blueberry, you always letting Meggy make us cry" I talk to the baby as Megan wipes my tears away and kisses my belly before kissing the side of my head. 

I really like that she shows affection with touch cause that's my love language. and it makes me feel good. Also, none of my other friends like being touched, so it's really nice. 

"You know what, I have an idea" Megan says randomly. 

"What is it" I ask. 

"You'll have to wait and see" without a second thought Meg picks me up and carries me downstairs. She has me unlock my car door, and she puts me in the passenger seat, before getting in the driver's seat and starting the car. 

Where are we going?


I pull up in the Walmart parking lot, and park the car, before getting out. "Why are we at Walmart" Bey asked. 

"You'll figure out soon" I close my door and go grab a cart. I come back to the other side of the car opening up Bey's door. I pick her up and put her in the big part of the cart. 

"Megan, I can't be in here" she says looking around. 

"You can't be in there if we get caught. You ever road around in a buggy at Walmart, since being a kid" I ask, and she shakes her head no. 

"Well hold on cause you are in for a ride" I push us in without getting caught and start zooming around Walmart. 

"Ahh Megan" Bey laughs, so I know she's enjoying it. We ride around for 15 minutes before one of the workers caught us. I let Bey jump on my back as I put the cart away. 

"Wanna get ice cream" I asked, and she immediately said yes. I grab both of our favorite ice creams before checking out and heading to the car. 

"Eat at home or eat now" I ask. 

"Now" I grab 2 individually wrapped spoons out of Bey's glove compartment because we are always eating in one of our cars, so I put some in here. 

"A spoon for you" I hand Bey the spoon and she digs in. She does her little happy ice cream dance, and I just smile at her. 

Seeing that smile on her face is the highlight of my day, that's really why I do it.


Bey is over bedrest as y'all can see, but it seems like Megan is making it a whole lot better. It also seems like they are really comfortable with each other. Do y'all think their dynamic is changing? Leave a comment and I hope y'all enjoyed. 




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