The Checkup

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When you woke up you saw that someone was also in your cell with you, once your eyes finally cleared from your sleep you saw this person was wearing a mask, and they were dressed like a doctor.

They noticed you had awoken from your slumber after they looked up from their clipboard hearing them say. 

"Oh, good you're awake. please follow me for your checkup Ms.(Y/n)."

You were so confused, Checkups? when did that happen? As you stood up and followed them out the cell door they stayed behind to make sure they closed your cell door. 

You looked back to see if they were still there only to be met with the doctor walking passed you, he started speaking.

"So..Ms.(Y/n), I am Dr.Achtymichuk. Today was the day that was decided for you to get a checkup, so please answer any questions we have truthfully."

You were nervous, how the hell would you say his last name??? You didn't even hear how he pronounced nodded and hummed in response when you passed Sebby's cell, he was looking out of it.

As soon as he saw you he smiled and waved, for some reason you felt your heart stop for a second before waving back with a small smile.

The Doctor stopped and looked back at you, waiting for you to catch up. You quickly ran over to the doctor as he continued walking.

"As i was saying, if we need to take a few tests don't question anything. At all, got it? And when we finish the checkup we have something for you to sign if you agree to it."

You nodded and opened your mouth to speak.

" Dr..."

He sighed and said his last name.




"Ecthymicuch. >:)"

The doctor began to get annoyed as he finally just said.

"Just call me Doctor from now on."

Your head went back a little, not meaning to make him angry.

"well then...Doctor..about my friend Sebastian..Will he be getting a checkup too..?"

The Doctor continued walking, pondering your question for a while.

"Yes, him and a few select others have been chosen to get checkups."

You sighed in relief, now glad you wouldn't be doing whatever freaky tests alone.

Once you and the doctor reached the testing/infirmary room he instructed you to sit down on the table, you did as he asked as he began doing what a regular doctor would do, such as checking your eyesight, hearing, blood tests, etc.

Once he was done he sat you down in what looked like an interrogation room, he started asking questions quickly.

"So do you have any fears of anything? I mean anything in particular?"

You had to stop and think on that one, did you fear anything..? No. Just fear of being alone for the rest of your life.

"No, I don't"

He wrote something down on his clipboard and asked another odd question.

"What would you do if you had the chance to go free? Would you take that chance..?"

Your eyes widened as small beads of sweat started to form on your forehead.

"...If..I could be free..? I...I'd take that chance."

You muttered the first part to yourself as began to wonder what needed to be done just to be able to be set free.

The doctor wrote something on his clipboard for what seemed like forever. As he turned his gaze towards your nervous eyes.

"If all that had to be done was a few 'tests' on you to be free..would you let these 'tests' happen..?"

His eyes suddenly became a bit cold as you looked at the mirrored window and camera on the side of the room, gulping the small nervous lump in your throat.

"..I...Yes, I would give anything to be free again.."

His gaze returned to the normal soft yet bored look as he nodded and wrote it down. Handing you the clipboard to sign some sort of wager.

"Great. Tomorrow afternoon those tests will be happening."

As you handed the board back to him, you felt your heart was pounding. What were these tests that needed to be done..? Was it something to be nervous about..? or Fearful..?

.・゜-: ✧☾Back at your cell☽✧ :-゜・.

You laid on your bed, wondering about those 'tests' the Doc was talking about. You decided to just draw so you could take your mind off of those mystery tests.

As a few hours passed you just laid in your bed again, trying to figure out what the tests were, how your family was while you've been in this hell..were they enjoying life without you..? Maybe that's why they never once visited.

After a looong long time of just thinking your boring repeating thoughts just washed you into a light slumber.

Your bed was oddly cool and comfy tonight as you slept well, probably some of the best sleep you've had on that mattress made of bricks.

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I hope you all are enjoying the Story so far, if you have any recommendations on it lemme know bbg's. 

Lots and lots of love for all my readers <333333

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