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Thomas turned to Chuck, “Okay Chuck i want you to go to the council hall. I want you to start barricading the doors.” 

“Winston, you go with him.” Nick ordered. 

“Got it.” He nodded and ran off with Chuck. 

“Get the others. Tell them to hide in the forest. Now.” Gally ordered his builders. 

“Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you in the council hall.”

“Let's go.” Minho nodded and Fry followed him. 

Thomas turned to Nick, “Me and Teresa will go get Alby.” 

Just when they were about to leave, boys came running from the forest shouting for them to run. They turned back to the doors as the loud screeches from Grievers got louder whilst they got closer to the Glade. 

“Nick?” Jordan looked at her confused, “I thought you were in your Invention room. I– I sent Oscar to get you.” 

She turned to him seeing the panic quickly rising in him as his eyes flicked from the Maze doors to the Glade. 

“Jordan, stay with Thomas and Newt okay?” Nick put her hands on his shoulders, “I'll get Oscar.” 

“Nick!” Newt tried to run after her when she sprinted off but Gally stopped him. 

“She’ll be okay, Newt.” He yelled over the screeching. 

“Everybody run! Hide!” Thomas shouted pulling Newt with him. 

The Grievers had begun to crawl into the Glade ready to kill anyone left in their way. Nick had reached the Invention room and ran inside but Oscar wasn't there. 

She quickly looked around in case there was anything important she needed to save but there was nothing that mattered when all their lives were at risk. Running back out she saw Grievers attacking from all directions whilst the boys tried to fight back. 

“Nick!” Oscar shouted as he ran towards her. 

“Oscar! In here!”

The Invention room definitely wasn't the safest room for them to hide in but it was better than being out in the open. Oscar reached his hand out to her but before she could pull him in, a Griever snatched him, throwing him to the ground. 

“No!” Nick went to run over to him but the Griever put his leg straight through Oscar’s chest. 

The Griever ran off to a crowd that was coming from the thick grass near the Deadheads. In the group she could spot Thomas leading them but they had lost over half of the boys since she was last with them. 

To the side of her was a loud scream, Hank had his hands covering his face with a Griever on top of him. Gally and his builders were hitting it with things trying to get the Griever off him. 

Nick seized the machete that was lying in the corner of her Invention room and ran towards them. She jumped onto its leg, climbing up its thrashing body until she was on top of it. 

Gally and his builders continued to throw things at it and shout at it to distract it from what Nick was doing. 

Nick held the machete up high before slamming it down into its head. The wretched thing cried out in pain and tried to throw her off it but she held on. 

She used her palm to push the machete deeper until it came out the other side of its head. With one last screech it fell to the side off Hank and Nick jumped away from it. 

“Come on.” Gally pulled her up shouting at anyone that could hear him, “The box! Get to the box!” 

The boys jumped in one after another whilst Gally and Nick held the gates open. Once all the boys near them had jumped in, Gally followed, holding his hand out for her. 

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