The Zoo and Letter Chaos

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Petunia: Up! Get up! [She knocks on his closet door repeatedly] Now! [Smacks door of closet and walks into the living room]

"Aww...look" muttered Rose sarcastically "I my dear aunt Petunia."

Everyone looked at Rose who was glaring at the screen.

[Rose wakes up, turns on her bedroom light and puts on her glasses with tape on the bridge, indicating that it was partly damaged. A large, tubby boy, Dudley Dursley, suddenly comes running down the stairs above the closet. He stops half-way down and goes back, jumping on the staircase.]

"Hang on love," gasped Fred, startled "You never told me you were made to live in a cupboard." Many people had the same look of horror on their faces as Fred. It never occurred to them that Rose lived in such circumstances. Many thought she was spoiled growing up.

"Yeah, I-um did not want to make you sad, anyway I have my own bedroom now so it's better"

"That does not make it right love"

Dudley: Wake up, cousin! We're going to the zoo! Hahaha!

[Harry looks up to the join works of the stairs with small amounts of dusts rising. Dudley laughs, comes down the stairs, and runs for the kitchen. Rose tries to come out of the closet but is pushed back in by Dudley. Petunia is in the kitchen, where Dudley has gone.]

"The little shi-" growled Sirius

"Sirius language!" Remus said, nudging him.

Many were stunned at the treatment she was receiving. Although Ron and Hermione and a few others who were close to Rose had some idea about her life at the Dursleys, no one knew it was this bad for her growing up.

Petunia: Oh, here he comes, the birthday boy!

Vernon: Happy birthday, son.

[Petunia and Dudley giggle together. Rose comes into the kitchen, dressed in outgrown clothes.]

Petunia: [to Rose, unpleasantly] Why don't you just cook the breakfast, and try not to burn anything.

Rose: Yes, Aunt Petunia.

[Rose then gets to work on cooking the bacon]

"What on earth..." gasped McGonagall. She could not help but feel responsible as she knew those muggles were trouble. But with Dumbledore's orders, there was not much she could do. However, she wished she had done more.

"She is not a house elf!" snarled Ron, as he turned to face his best friend, putting his arms around her.

Petunia: I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day.

Vernon: [to Rose, who is taking his time placing the bacon on the plates] Hurry up! Bring my coffee, girl!

Rose: Yes, Uncle Vernon.

"Where do they live," demanded Remus which was unnatural to his character as Remus was usually soft-spoken "I'll kill them!"

[Petunia leads Dudley over to the family room, where there are a vast amount of presents. Dudley stares.]

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