Lover's Last Task [PP]

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In a world governed by a mysterious system, every person was born with a task tab embedded deep within their consciousness. This tab would remain dormant until their 21st year, when it would activate, giving them a series of tasks. Completion of these tasks promised the greatest reward of all: their soulmate.

Phuwin had been living with his task tab for three years. It had been straightforward at first: small, seemingly meaningless tasks like buying certain flowers or taking a walk through specific streets at precise times. Yet, every time he completed a task, a sense of fulfillment and anticipation grew in him.

On the other side of the city, Pond had received his tab at the same time. His tasks were oddly similar, though he didn't know it yet. Each one led him closer to something unknown, but he felt the same pull that Phuwin did. A sense of purpose that grew with each task completed.

Then, one evening, as they both completed the final task, their paths crossed. Their eyes locked across a crowded street, and something in the air shifted. They knew. They didn't need the system to tell them. The connection was immediate, undeniable. The tab blinked softly in both of their minds, signaling the completion of their final task.

Soulmates Found.....

Months passed, then years. Phuwin and Pond built a life together filled with laughter, love, and shared dreams. The system task tab, long silent, seemed like a distant memory. They had won the ultimate prize, and life was perfect.

Until that one cold night....

As they sat by the fire, reminiscing about how they met, the familiar but unsettling chime echoed in both their minds. The system tab. It had returned.

They exchanged nervous glances. This shouldn't be happening. There were no more tasks, no more goals to achieve. They had found each other. What else could the system want?

With trembling fingers, Phuwin opened the tab. A new task appeared, and his blood ran cold.

Pond stared at his own tab in horror, the exact same command. The room, once warm with love, now felt suffocating.

A silence stretched between them as they realized the system had never intended for a happily ever after.

It had given them the ultimate connection, only to now demand the ultimate betrayal.

Phuwin's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Pond, his mind racing.


"I know... It's going to be okay"

Embracing each other by the hand...
And letting go to look at the system tab task one last time.

New Task : "Kill Your Soulmate"

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