What's your ex girlfriend's name?

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For the fucking 27th time, I rolled my eyes, closing the book I was reading.

"I told you, I don't need love in my life," I groaned, swinging my legs off the coffee table and slipping on my house slippers before getting up from the couch.

"Hey! I'm still talking to you!" my sister called after me, but I ignored her and headed upstairs, the book still clutched in my hand.

Ever since Hanni cheated on me, my sister hasn't stopped nagging me about finding someone new. As if that's what I need. A rebound? No thanks. I want to get over this on my own, even if it sucks. At least that way, I won't drag anyone else into the mess.

I pushed open my bedroom door with a sigh. It's been a month since Hanni and I ended things. A month since I found out she was cheating on me—with my best friend, no less.

"I wanna strangle you, Minji..." I muttered under my breath, tossing the book onto my desk before flopping face-first onto my bed with a muffled groan. The pillow absorbed most of my frustration, but not enough.

I was just about to settle into my pity party when my door creaked open.

"Hear me out—" came a familiar voice.

"Danielle, please just leave me alone," I mumbled into the pillow, not even lifting my head to look at her.

Danielle let out a long, exaggerated sigh as she walked over to my bed, sitting at the edge and nudging me lightly with her foot. "Y/n, you can't keep doing this to yourself. You need to get out there. You don't have to find your soulmate right away, but at least try dating again. It doesn't have to be a full-on commitment or anything."

I groaned louder into my pillow, burying my face deeper as if that would make her go away. "Danielle, I'm really not in the mood. I don't want to date anyone. I just want to get over her."

She ignored my plea, of course. "I know, I know! But listen, it's not like I'm telling you to go and get married tomorrow. I'm just saying you should have some fun! You're miserable like this, and it's not healthy. Besides, I have a friend who's also single and kinda looking for someone. She's fun, nice, and totally your type."

I finally turned my head slightly to glance at her from under the pillow. "Danielle, I'm not looking for a rebound. I'm still trying to get over Hanni."

Danielle waved a hand dismissively. "Who said anything about a rebound? Just think of it as a distraction. A nice, cute distraction who also happens to be single and, oh, did I mention? Very interested in getting to know someone new."

I groaned again but didn't turn back this time. "A distraction? I don't know, Dani... It sounds like a bad idea. I'm not ready."

Danielle rolled her eyes playfully and leaned over, poking my side until I flinched. "Y/n, come on! You've been stuck in this rut for a month. I'm not asking you to propose to anyone. Just go out, have a coffee, talk, laugh a little. It might actually help you move on. And, hey, if you don't like her, no big deal. You've got nothing to lose."

I sighed heavily, feeling the weight of her words. She wasn't wrong, but I was still hesitant. "I don't know... I just don't want to hurt anyone, you know? What if I'm not ready, and I just make things worse?"

Danielle's expression softened as she sat up straighter. "Y/n, you're not going to hurt anyone. You're the last person who would. And honestly? You deserve to have some fun, to feel something other than... whatever this is." She gestured to my slouched, defeated figure. "Besides, if you don't like it, you can stop. There's no pressure."

I stayed quiet for a moment, letting her words sink in. Danielle's always been the upbeat one, the cheerful voice of reason when I needed it. And, well, maybe she had a point. Maybe I could at least try.

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