A Fight and A New Baby

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Above is a picture of Dylan

Rydel's POV:

A scream tore through the air. I instantly grabbed Ratliff's arm as Ruby and Raven shifted and stood in front of everyone to keep us safe. Suddenly Raven let out a loud howl and moments later 1 wolf and 1 very pale vampire came in, the wolf has black fur. They all shifted and both of the new guys bowed.

"Alpha Raven, the Bloodred pack has attacked the Blue Moon pack and Alpha Derek has requested our help." The one to the right reported.

"Send Danny, Ricky, and John. Then get Crystal, Chloe, and Danielle to patrol our territory." Raven told both of the new guys.

"Oh, Alpha Raven, Amy has delivered the baby." The guy to the left told her.

"Thank you for notifying me, Stefan. Damon will you send her here so we can make sure that she gets rest and is safe?" Raven asked.

"Yes, Alpha." They both said. She nodded and they left.

"Who were they?" Ross asked looking slightly angry.

"That was Stefan, the pack's male Delta and Damon, the pack's vampire." Raven answered putting her hand on Ross' arm which seemed to calm him down slightly.

"Well, I have to go help fight and Ruby will have to come too." Raven told us and after a little convincing we said yes and they bolted out of the tour bus and into the woods we were parked next to.

"I'm going to bed." I announced before walking towards my bunk.

Raven's POV:

I can't believe that the Bloodred pack would attack again especially after we killed their Alpha and forced them into hiding...well, actually I see their motivation. Ruby and I ran as fast as we could through the woods and into the Blue Moon pack's territory. I ran to the pack house and into Derek and Stiles' room where I found Derek holding a sleeping Stiles in his arms.

"Alpha Derek." I said making my presence known. He looked up and I could see the relief in his eyes.

"Alpha Raven." He greeted nodding in my direction. I went and sat next to him and Ruby sat next to me pressing into my side. I took her hand and she visibly relaxed. Just then a young boy with blond hair and blue eyes, ran in with tears in his eyes. "What's the matter, Dylan?" Derek asked the small boy.

"M-my d-dad di-died in b-battle." Dylan sobbed. I instantly picked him, hugging him and whispering soothing words in his ear. He soon quieted down and fell asleep in my arms. I looked up at Derek who mouthed a thank you to me. I nodded and looked at the small figure in my arms. Just then Stiles woke up. I nodded to him in greetings. He nodded back and looked at the sleeping Dylan in my arms.

"What happened?" Stiles asked looking at all of us.

"His dad died in battle." Derek told his mate. Stiles gasped in surprise and looked at the boy in sorrow.

"What about his mother?" I asked the couple.

"His mom died a few minutes after giving birth." Stiles answered sadly.

"Any siblings?" I asked. They both shook their heads no. I nodded and looked down at the tiny boy and instantly knew we would have a special connection. "Can I take him in?" I asked softly still looking at the beautiful boy in my arms.

"Of course. He never had any friends and he wouldn't listen to us so it's a miracle that he took a liking to you." Stiles said with a happy smile. I smiled fondly at my new baby boy.

"How old is he?" I asked looking up.

"5 years." Derek said. I smiled happily.
"Well, I should go." I said waking Dylan up so he could say goodbye.
"Hey buddy. I'm going to adopt you. I'm Raven and I'm your new mommy." I told him. He smiled happily.

"I'm Dylan." He said in a small voice. I picked him up and placed him on my hip.

"Bye guys." I said hugging them both.

"Bye." The couple said and with that Ruby, Dylan, and I walked out of the house. I placed Dylan on my back and Ruby and I shifted and we ran back to the R5 tour bus. Once we got there I opened the door and we all got in. I held a now sleeping Dylan in my arms. When Ross saw me he instantly got up and pulled me into a hug. He then looked down at Dylan.
"Who's this?" He asked looking up at me.

"This is Dylan. He's from the Blue Moon pack and his mom died a few minutes after giving birth and his dad died in battle tonight so Derek and Stiles allowed me to take him into my pack. Your his new father." I explained and Ross looked to me and kissed my cheek before looking down at our beautiful boy. The rest of the guys walked up to look at the new addition. Rydel aww'd when he yawned and rubbed his eyes with his small fists. "I think he should go to bed now." I told them and started walking to the couches before Ross took hold of my arm.

"You are going to sleep in my bunk. I'll sleep on the couch." Ross said smiling. I nodded. I shot him a grateful smile and quickly got ready bed. I just noticed that Amy was sleeping on the couch so I walked up to her and saw a baby boy sleeping in her arms. I gently shook her arm to wake her up. Her eyes fluttered opened and she instantly brightened when she saw me.

"Alpha Raven. Are you hurt? Did anything bad happen to you?" Amy asked looking me up and down, the baby boy still sleeping in her arms.

"No. I'm fine. I just wanted to see how you were doing with the new baby." I told her, sitting beside her.

"Oh, he is a happy and healthy baby." She said with a huge smile.

"That's great. What did you name him?" I asked, curious as to what she named the small boy.

"I named him Ashton." She answered and I could see she was getting tired.

"Well, I should go to bed and you should too." I told her picking up Dylan and cradling him in my arms. She nodded and with that I headed off to Ross' bunk. I got under the covers and felt Dylan curl up next to me, his small body looking for warmth. I slowly drifted off to sleep, but not before Dylan quietly saying,"I love you, mommy." I smiled and drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep.

Hey guys! Hope you like it so far! Please comment and vote! BYEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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