💎truth or dare❤️

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Chapter 3- truth or dare

Third person perspective~

Red and Chloe get up around the same time as Ella and Bridget.
"Morning" red says to Chloe who is shirtless and only wears pajama pants like she always does.
"Mm morning"
Red gives Chloe a kiss before getting up.
"Where you going!" Chloe complains.
"To see if the others are awake."
"I'm coming with"
She gets up too and walks out with red.
"Did y'all have sex"  we hear Ella say.
" We did at wonderland but not tonight, Chloe just likes to sleep shirtless"
Chloe nods
" Oh okay" Bridget smirks.
Chloe goes to the fridge and gets a water. She takes a sip before handing it to red.
"Um ima head to the gym I'll be back." Red says going back to her room.
Red then gives a kiss to Chloe before leaving.
"O she's going to the gym, wanna spy." Bridget says.
"Hell Yea" Chloe says as she puts a shirt on. They sneak out and follow red to the gym.
Chloe sees red start to work out and starts to have heart eyes.
Bridget and Ella look at her and snickers.
"Mm red looks hot" Chloe mumbles under her breath.
"Yea we can see your heart eyes." Ella laughs.
"I mean look at her!" Chloe says resting her chin in her hands. Chloe then notice she has been staring at red for 30 minutes.
Red stops and takes a drink of water. Hook approaches red.
"Hey my guy" red says to hook
"What's up red"
"Oh Um Hook I have news"
"Ooo good or bad"
"Good, I finally proposed!"
"We'll what she say"
"We'll congrats red!"
"Thanks man, um I have to go" red says grabbing her stuff and saying good bye to hook. Red and hook kinda became best friends. Bridget kept on staring at hook as he was working out.
"Come on Bridget!" Chloe and Ella shout at Bridget.
"Alright alright" Bridget gets up and they leave. Thank god they got there before red. But red was right behind them so they had to hurry up. They hurry inside and Chloe goes straight to red's room. Red soon enters.
"Mm i like you better without a shirt." Red says to Chloe closing the door.
Red takes her shirt off and walks to her closet. Red comes out wearing a crop top and denim shorts. Chloe takes her shirt off again.
"This better" Chloe asks.
"Way better" red flops onto Chloe and buries her head into Chloe's chest (actual chest not breasts) Chloe giggles.
"Oh god I love you" red says hugging Chloe tighter.
"Not as much as I love you"
Bridget and Ella walked in a couple minutes after to see the red headed girl asleep on Chloe. Chloe puts a finger over her mouth to shush them. Red's arm hurts a bit so she moves them to Chloe's stomach making Chloe shiver.  Bridget and Ella leave the room quietly. Red kisses Chloe's chest and goes back to sleep.
Bridget walks in with Chloe's phone.
"Your mom needs to call you" Bridget whispers.
Chloe nods and call her mom quietly to not wake her fiancée up.
"Hey mom" Chloe whispers.
"Why are we whispering" Ella whispers back. Chloe turns the camera to red sleeping.
"Awe" Ella whispers.
"Anyways, Chad is going back to collage and me and your dad needs to go on a mini business trip tomorrow so we were wondering if y'all can watch over the house." Ella says.
"Yea sure!" Chloe whispers.
They talk for a bit while Chloe plays with red's hair making her smile in her sleep.
She hangs up with her mom and red's mom calls.
"Hey Bridget" Chloe whispers.
"Hey sweetie" Bridget says in a quiet voice.
"Why you whispering?" Bridget adds.
Chloe flips the camera to red sleeping again.
"Aw my sweet daughter, anyways I just wanted to check in!"
"Oh okay"
They then hang up and red finally wakes up.
"Hi baby"
"Hi" red says snuggling back up with Chloe.
"I have an idea"
"Um my mom is lending us her castle basically, so why don't we have a mini party with our friends."
"Sure as long as it's with you"

Red gets up and walks to the kitchen with Chloe.
Chloe tells Bridget and Ella. Ella was bringing charming, Bridget was bringing hook (yes hook and Bridget are dating), and Chloe and red. Uliana and morgie couldn't come.

-arriving at the castle-

They all walk in and the castle was empty. They set everything up and eat some snacks and watch a movie before starting to play games.
"Wanna play truth or dare" charming suggests.
"Sure" everyone says nodding.
"Um okay red truth or dare"
"Um truth"
"Is it true you fell inlove with Chloe the moment you saw her eyes."
"Actually yea"
"Awe" everyone shouts.
"Okay truth or dare hook"
"I dare you to have a make out session with Bridget for 16 seconds"
"Fine with me"
They get up and hook grips Bridget's hips and starts to heavily make out with her.
"14, 15, 16, times up" Ella counts.
They both giggled before sitting back down.
"Uhm let's see, truth or dare Ella"
"Is it true you had sex with charming before"
"No" Ella says.
"Okay, truth or dare, Chloe!"
"I dare you to, hook up with red for 4 minutes straight."
Chloe gets on reds lap.
"And time starts now!" Charming says.
Chloe starts to heavily make out with red. Red gives Chloe very hungry kisses, so does Chloe. Chloe's hands move to red's cheeks and red's hands find Chloe's hips. Red pushes Chloe closer to her body making her grind on her.
"Fuck" Chloe moans against red's lips.
Red kisses Chloe's neck leaving a lip mark before going back to lips.
"3,2,1, times up"
Red and Chloe didn't care and continues to make out.
"Okay times up Chloe you have to pick someone."
Chloe kisses red one more time before getting off of her.
"Um charming, truth or dare"
"I dare you to have sex with Ella tonight, not here but you guys have too"
"What If we don't"
"Then y'all relationship is doomed." Hook says in serious matters.
"How do you guys know it's true"
"Cuz i fucked Chloe to a dare, and our relationship wasn't doomed" red says trying to hold in a smirk.
"And I didn't do it to someone else and our relationship didn't end well" hook says.
"Damn so it is true" Ella says.
"Yup but red didn't have to tell you that" Chloe mumbles.

-everyone leaves-
"Why did you say that!" Chloe says as soon as she closes the door.
"What that I fucked you"
"What's the big deal"
Chloe rolls her eyes.
Red picks Chloe up and sets her on a counter.
"I'll fuck you everywhere, anytime, anywhere"
"Them show me"
Red immediately takes Chloe's clothes off. Red kisses Chloe's neck before sliding a finger inside her.
"Fuck!" Chloe moans.
Red pumps in and out fast.
"Fuck red!"
Red slows down.
"Mm you want me to stop" red teases. Chloe doesn't respond.
"Guess I'll take it as a yes"
"Fuck no, don't stop!"
Red starts to go fast again. Red picks Chloe back up and bring her to Chloe's room.
Red throw her down and holds Chloe's hands up and slides her tongue in.
"Be quiet" Chloe nods knowing she won't.
Red pumps in fingers in and out again making Chloe moan again.
Red stops and grabs something from Chloe's drawer and a box under her bed.
*fuck she found them* Chloe thinks to her self.
Red handcuffs Chloe to the bed frame with her ass up. Red puts the strap on. Without warning red thrusts into Chloe.
"Fuck!" Chloe moans loudly. Red grips Chloe's hips and starts to speed up.
"Ahh~fuck" Chloe moans again.
Red rubs Chloe's clit while thrusting inside of Chloe.
"Argh~ red faster."
Red starts to go even faster then her own fingers.
"Holy shit red~"
Red grips Chloe's ass as she speeds up that Chloe can't even talk.
"Fuck I'm close" Chloe barely lets out.
Chloe's legs start to shake. Red uncuffs her and turns Chloe to her back.
"Let it all out for me baby"
"Holy shit"
Chloe cums all over red. Red slows down. Red slowly slides the strap out and takes it off.
"Holy fuck that was amazing" Chloe stutters. Red kisses Chloe and lays next to her.
Chloe catches her breath.
"God you need to be top more" Chloe adds
Red smirks at her.
"Mm really" red smirks.
"Really" Chloe says.
Chloe hops onto red and kisses her neck. Chloe takes red clothes off before sliding her tongue inside red.
Chloe goes faster and faster.
Chloe slides a finger inside her while licking her clit.
Chloe goes even faster.
"Holy fu- CHLOE" red moans.
Chloe slides her finger even deeper.
Chloe finds red g-spot and starts to go deeper and faster.
Red soon came. Chloe sucks her juices off her finger before letting red taste herself from a kiss.
"You see, I can pleasure you faster then you do me"
"Cuz I like to take my time with you, and make sure you feel every single thing."
red smirks. Chloe gives red a kiss before laying bedside her. Chloe pulls a cover to cover them and she rests her head in reds chest.
Chloe traces circles on reds stomach where she left hickeys smirking. Red shivers to her touch which makes her fiancée smirk even more. They both fall asleep in a deep sleep.

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