Spanish, dinner part 3

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Red lays down on the sofa while she talks to her parents in full Spanish.(yes I will put translation)
Chloe comes and lays down on top of her wife and hugging her tightly.
"pero no sé cómo si esta niña no me deja" (but i don't know how if this girl doesn't let me) red says to her dad.
" bien pero me debes una" her dad says. (Fine, but you owe me)
"Mamá!" Red complains.
"Mi amor deja la" Bridget says to James. (My love, leave her alone)
James rolls his eyes.
"Fine, voy a terminar de cocinar" (fine, ima finish cooking)
"Baby" Chloe mumbles.
"Can I wear your pajamas I feel uncomfortable in this dress, and I'm tired as hell. Your daughter tired me out" Chloe says making her wife and Bridget giggle.
"You don't need permission but you look hot in this dress" red whispers the last part to Chloe.
"Too bad it's uncomfortable" Chloe complains.
"Mkay you can go" red says.
Chloe happily gets up and runs upstairs to her wife's bedroom while red watches her in love.
"realmente estas enamorada" her dad says.(you really are in love)
"Si, si estoy enamorada" red smiles (yes, yes i am in love)
Chloe soon comes back down and flops onto red again. Chloe smiles as she snuggles up with her wife.
"Hm sorry mi corazón but I wanna change too" red says.
"Mm fine" chloe gets up and red goes to change. She comes back wearing a crop top with black pajama pants. Red lays back down and Chloe finally gets comfortable with her wife.
"Mm finally" Chloe says. Chloe slides her hands under red's shirt to feel her warm skin. Red shivers to her touch. Chloe soon falls asleep, red plays with her wife's hair making her wife more sleepier.
"Princesa!" Her dad calls out for red.
But red was fast asleep.
Her dad comes in and sees them peacefully asleep while his wife is reading.
Red wakes up and looks at her dad.
"No estoy una princesa papá" (Im not a princess dad)
"Para me si es una''(to me yes you are)
Red rolls her eyes. Her dad soon leaves.  James brings a blanket and cover them.
"Gracias papa" red says with a smile.
"Te nada mija " James gives red a kiss on the fore head before leaving.
James nudged charming to look at their daughters. Charming smiles.
After a 30 minutes red and Chloe soon wake up. They see everyone in comfortable clothes.
"Yes, we got tired too" Ella says.
Chloe and red giggle before getting up. Red helps her wife get up.
"Mmm" chloe mumbles not wanting to let red giggles and plays with her hair.
"You know you can be really clingy corazón." Red says.
"Yea when it comes to you and your hot ass then yes,yes I am"
They then go to the kitchen and sit down to eat. Before they dig in, they always say a little prayer.
"So it's reds turn"
"Do I have too?"
"Yes you do princesa" her dad says. Everyone closes her eyes and hold hands.
"Dear Heavenly Father, we are gathered here today under your care and protection, we want to thank you for the food you given us, thank you for ALL the blessings you have made us. I want to thank you especially for my amazing wife you sent my way" red says kissing Chloe's hand. "and my amazing family. I know you have amazing plans for our future and we really appreciate you. In our lords name, amen"
Everyone then starts to eat.
"See it wasn't that bad baby" Chloe says lifting her chin up and pressing a soft kiss against her lips.
"Yea yea, I just told things I was grateful for"
Chloe smiles.
"God I love your smile"

-after dinner-

Everyone starts to leave. Red and Chloe stay.
They go up to their room after they say goodnight.
Red lays down and hugs Chloe's waist.
"What dog do you want most mi vida"
"Um a golden retriever" Chloe says.
"Mkay let's see if we can get a golden retriever para mi amor" red says hugging Chloe tight.
Chloe smiles and falls asleep with her wife by her side. Snowflake was sleeping on the bottom of the bed.

-the next morning-
Red wakes up first. Red goes downstairs with snowflake so she won't wake Chloe up.
Her parents were up in the kitchen.
"Morning princesa" her dad says.
Red places snowflake down and grabs some food for her.
After, red gets on the phone with someone.
After a couple of minutes Chloe wakes up.
Chloe comes down and hugs her wife's waist and buries her head inside her back.
"Mm good morning amor"
Red says.
Chloe comes up front of red and hops into her arms.
"Mm you okay" red asks.
"Yup I just woke up with my wife not by my side" Chloe says giving her wife a kiss.
"Sorry I had to make a call and feed our daughter"
"Mm yea I don't blame you" Chloe says giving another kiss. Red then gets a text.
Red then texts back.
"Hungry?" Red asks.
"Mhm" Chloe hums.
"Y'all hungry?"
Red starts to cook for everyone.
Everyone eats and it tasted amazing.
"Yea you definitely the cooker in this marriage"
Chloe says.
"Hm I learned from her best" Bridget smiles.
After they finish eating. Someone knocks.
Chloe gets up and goes to the door.
She opens the door to see a girl.
"Hi um I'm looking for red"
"Um yes. Red honey!" I'm Chloe shouts for her wife.
"Um hi I'm her wife, Chloe"
"Hi I'm lily"
"Oh lily your here a bit early" red gives Chloe a quick peck before going outside with lily.
Chloe was a bit suspicious but she trusts her wife so she shakes it off.

"So um she's safe and sound at your apartment. I set everything up. She is ready!" Lily says with a pitched voice.
"Okay good thank you so much!"
"No problem"
Red then says bye and goes back in.
"Red honey can we talk to you" her parents ask.

James and bridet drag her to their room
"Honey are you cheating on Chloe"
"WHAT NO I got her the dog and she checked in with me to get snowflake to see if she was friendly with the dog. I wouldn't do that to her!"
Red says.
"Yes, and Emma, Ruby deck, crimson and Chad will be there to take care of her." Red says.
"Makes sense"
"Don't tell her it's a surprise."
They get out and Chloe is laying on the couch reading a book.
Red comes and lays on top of Chloe.
"Mm hi" red mumbles.
"What's mi amor reading"
"One of us is lying"
"Oo I love that one" red says starting to read with her wife.
After a couple of minutes red gets another text.
-all set everyone is getting along-

Chloe didn't care.
"Where's snowy" Chloe asks.
"With my friend"
"Oh was it lola"
Chloe says trying to trick her wife.
"Um no her name was Lily, that's why she came by"
Chloe smiles at her wife that's telling the truth
"Oh yea it was Lily"

Red and Chloe start to get tired and miss her own bed.
"Mm corazon"
"Yea baby" Chloe says.
"Can we go back to my house?"
"Thank God, of course"
Red and Chloe then leave.

They walk in and Chloe instantly goes to the room for some clothes.
She sees a golden retriever and her siblings and red's siblings playing with her.
"Oh my God!" Chloe says getting down to her knees. The dog instantly falls in love with her and runs to her.
Red smiles and leans against the door frame.
"You like her?" Red asks.
"I love her" Chloe says picking her up.
Red pets her.
"What are you gonna name her"
"Cinnamon" Chloe says.
Chloe sets Cinnamon down and she goes straight to snowflake and plays with her.
Chloe looks back at her wife and swings her arms around her neck.
"Mm I love you!" Chloe says pushing her body against red and kissing her.
Red grips her wife's hips.
"I love you too" red says back.
"Okay lovebirds calm down" Chad ruins the moment.
"Chad damn charming" Chloe says.
Chloe rolls her eyes and continues to make out with her wife.
They separate lips and everyone was intensely staring at them.
"Okay our job here is done"
Deck says.
They all say goodbye.
Chloe picks cinnamon up.
"Mm hi cinnamon"
"Mm was this why you kept speaking with that bitch Lily"
"What? I didn't say it before cuz you said she was your friend"
"Yea but she gave you the dog remember, but yes"
Red goes to change but drop her shirt. Chloe smirks and grabs it.
Red comes out in pajamas pants and a bra.
Red lays down and snow hops onto red's stomach.
"Mm you look hot" Chloe says petting cinnamon.
Red rolls her eyes. Chloe lays down next to her.
Snow purrs to red's warm ass skin like she always does. Cinnamon snuggles up with Chloe.
"Mm now we have 2 daughters" Chloe giggles.
"Yea I can see"
Snow soon gets off and snuggles with cinnamon. Chloe comes and lays with red.
"Mm thank you baby"
"Your welcome" red gives Chloe a kiss.

(Ooo now they have a dog and cat!)

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