Our Heart, Together 🍀

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Let our hearts become one,

Let our pain becomes strength,
Let our long nights fill with stars,
Let our sunrise peacefully at sea,
Let our sleep safe and sound,
Let our hope turns red and gold.

Oh time,
Where have you gone,
I'm getting older,
And my spirit stays firm.

Oh time,
Where have you gone,
I'm getting tired,
And my love stays the same.

Yesterday and today,
Spring and Summer,
Defeat and Victory,
Gains and losses,
It all makes me complete.

A decade seems like nothing,
Victory seems like endless nights,
Defeat seems like temporary,
Our road continues,
Love grows on.

With prayers in each paper crane,
With love in every good deeds,
With sincere in every words,
Forever is in these moments,
Happiness is to be with you.

How privileged we are!

#V11 #T1WIN

The Sun | T1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ