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After you put on your shoes you were waiting for Cris to update you.

Finally after a few minutes there was a knock on the door and you opened it.

YAY it's Cris!

You pull him to a hug and he hugs you too.

"Well you definitely got the dress girlfriend nice memo" Cris says and he chuckles a bit and you look up at him.

"Trust me it wasn't that easy!" You say and you both laugh and Cris carries your purse and you close the door and you and Cris hold hands and walk a bit to meet his driver to take you to Cris's house.



Cris's POV:

"She's so pretty..." I say in my mind looking at her. "Her outfit suits her and she looks amazing right now!!!" I say in my mind.

I hold her hand tighter and I smile at her.

"I hope we both enjoy what's about to come " I say in my mind and I smirk and Y/N looks at me.

"Why are you smirking???" Y/N asks confused and I chuckle a bit and shake my head "it's nothing you just look great!" I say even though she looks majestic.

"She blushed and she smiled! Gosh she's so cute when she's flustered... Gosh dang it Cris focus!" I say in my mind and Y/N says "Thanks Cris I appreciate it...".

"I just wanna hold your hand forever" I mutter under my breath barley audible.


Cris was muttered something and and you somehow heard it and you tried not to smile too much cause he might be embarrassed if you said something.

You and Cris walk a bit more and Cris points to his driver "We're almost close!" You look at him and you smirk and say "how bout let's race to the car!" You start smirking and Cris laughs.

"I don't want you to cry when you lose!" Cris says and laughs at the end of his sentence and you roll your eyes jokingly "oh please I wouldn't lose especially not to you!".

"Alright princess let's see" Cris says and when you heard that your heart fluttered.

"ready! Set! Go!" Cris says without a warning and you're left confused but you realized that you were gonna lose so you ran as fast as your legs could take.

Sadly Cris had won and he was laughing again!

"That was so bad! You didn't give a warning at all!" You say complaining and Cris looks at you "Well you should've listened, princess"  he says and you blush again and you both finally get in the car.

You buckle your seatbelt and so does Cris.

You put your hand on the leather seats and Cris suddenly holds your hand.

Your fingers intertwine and you start blushing again.


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