If my ocs were in "SMG4 Doesn't Meme For 1 Second"

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Hey guys, this is an alternative scene of the lobotomy episode I did based on the idea I had.
I added some of my friends' ocs in here too.

Five, 01: AlexisKindness
Six: amber62077
Crafty: Trash61
Twelve, Eight & Seven: miaisnothere_xd
Nine, Eleven, Ten, SAJ & SAL: me

The oc gang were walking to the showgrounds, planning to hang out with Four and the others when suddenly they see a bus flying into the air.

"Uh, guys, anyone else saw that?" Seven asked.

"We saw, though I could've sworn there was someone in there." Ten replied.

"Does that someone happen to be wearing a blue shirt and hat and white overalls?" Twelve asked as if he was giving a riddle.

"What do you mean by that?" Five asked, then suddenly he realized what Twelve meant. "HOLY CRAP, FOUR IS IN THERE!!"

"WHAT!?" Everyone exclaimed. They looked up to see Four screaming for his life.

"OH SHIT, IT IS FOUR!!" Six yelled before replying, "I wonder where that bus is taking him."

"Well, I read the sign on the bus, and I'm pretty sure it says 'Meme Rehab Facility'." Nine answered.

"Four is being sent to meme rehab? That place is horrible! I've heard bad things about it, like when you go there, you don't get cured, instead you get lobotomized." Eight said, making everyone gasp.

"Four's getting lobotomized!? What kind of monsters would do such a thing to him?" Eleven asked.

Everyone then turned around to see the Smg4 crew dancing in happiness. They couldn't believe their eyes.

"N-no, it can't be true. They would never do that to Four, right?" Crafty asked in disbelief.

"I hate to say it, but seeing that they are celebrating Four being sent away, I would have to say yes." 01 answered Crafty's question.

Everyone's shock then turned into anger. How could the Smg4 crew do this to Four? Did their friendship with him mean nothing to them? The evidence was shown right in front of them. SAL was so angry that she went into her hat and pulled out a rolling pin. SAJ saw this and gets worried.

"SAL, what are you doing with that rolling pin?" SAJ asked.

"You're about to find out, SAJ." SAL answered angrily before walking towards the Smg4 crew and hits them on their heads, causing them to stop doing their victory dance.

The others were in shock, seeing what SAL had done and ran towards the crew.

"Jesus, SAL, you didn't have to hurt them!" Nine said with worry.

"Somebody had to knock some sense into these jackasses, Nine!" SAL yelled.

"I'm gonna have to agree with SAL on this one, they had it coming." Six agrees.

"Yeah, I can't say they didn't deserve it." Five said in disappointment.

The Smg4 crew were holding their heads, groaning in pain. Boopkins was the first to speak.

"Ow, that hurt." Boopkins said before looking up to see SAL holding the rolling pin in her hand along with the rest of the oc gang. "SAL, why did you hit us with that rolling pin?"

"Oh, you know EXACTLY why I did that! How could you guys send Four away to meme rehab!?" SAL yelled at Boopkins and the others.

Before Boopkins could answer, Luigi beat him to it. "He was going overboard with the memes."

"And that gave you the right to send him away!?" Crafty shouted, bursting into tears. "Four was like a father to me and you all took him away from me!!"

"Crafty, we're really sorry, but we had no choice, plus he memed at Boopkins' aunt's funeral." Meggy said.

"So that's why you guys sent him away, because he memed at a funeral? Guys, he didn't mean to do that, it was an accident. You all know that, and yet you decide to act like he did that on purpose." Ten said.

"Because he did! Ever since he found that stupid fish meme, he's done nothing but annoy us to death! He's nothing but a nuisance to us!" Mario shouted, shocking everyone.

Nine slapped Mario across the face and shouted, "Mario! How could you say that about your best friend!? To think that Four is ACTUALLY friends with you! You're not even fit to call yourself his best friend, let alone his avatar!"

"He's right, you know. He's a nuisance, an obnoxious one at that." Bob agreed with Mario.

Eleven punched Bob in the face and yelled, "Bob, I've always known that you were an asshole, but I didn't think you were THIS bad. How DARE you speak ill of Four!? He's been nothing but kind to you all and you treat him like this!?"

"Have you guys ever thought about helping him before doing something rash like this?" SAJ asked.

"Yes we did, SAJ. We have tried EVERYTHING to help him, but no matter what we did, he just couldn't stop meming!" Tari spoke up.

"Honestly, I can't believe you guys would stoop this low. I expected this kind of stuff from Mario, Bob and Three, but the rest of you? I'm quite shocked." Twelve said.

"We never wanted to hurt Four. We just want what's best for him." Melony said.

"Yeah, but sending him to meme rehab isn't what's best for him. He just wanted to show you guys a meme he found and all you did was get annoyed at him for it. You guys really hurt his feelings." Eight replied.

"We didn't mean to, but he brought it upon himself. If he hadn't pestered us with that damn meme and memed at Boopkins' aunt's funeral, none of this would've happened." Saiko retorted.

"Now you're blaming him for his mistakes!? Jeez, I don't understand how or why Four is even friends with you guys. This whole thing clearly shows that you guys don't appreciate him, let alone care about him." Seven said.

"Hey, that's not true! We do appreciate and care about him!" Three yelled, offended by the remark.

"No you don't. If you really did care about him, you wouldn't have sent him away. I'm pretty sure he won't trust you guys again after this." 01 said.

"That's never going to happen! Why do you all care so much about that blue idiot!? He's done nothing but annoy us with his STUPID humor, but we always have to be nice to him!?" Three shouted angrily. He honestly couldn't believe it. How can those guys defend Four after what he has done?

"We don't care how upset you guys are, you shouldn't try to change who he is. He can't help it if he likes memes, Three." Six said.

Five was the last person to speak. He said in disappointment, "Words cannot describe how disappointed I am in all of you." He then points to Three, "Especially you, Three, I thought you were better than this. I suggest you guys think long and hard about what you've done and get Four out of that godforsaken facility before things get bad." Before Three could say another word, Five along with the rest of the oc gang left, leaving him and the Smg4 crew alone.

Man, that was a lot to write. My fingers were a bit tired, but it was worth it. I hope you guys like this little oneshot I made. Again, this was based on an idea that I had. Thank you all so much for reading.

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