Chapter 57: Wealthy and Powerful

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Chapter 57: Wealthy and Powerful



"Where are you from?"

"Blood Moon City."

"Do you have any relatives?"

"This is my sister. Her name is Jixiang, and she's 9 years old."

"Can you read?"

"I can read some."

"Not bad... This is your assigned room. Make sure to hold on to your room key. If you lose it, come to replace it immediately."

"Also, do you have any skills? I have plenty of jobs I could introduce to you."

"Jobs? What kinds of jobs? And what's the pay?"

"The first type is general labor. The standard rate is 20 copper coins per day, but you get two meals and can eat as much as you want."

"If you choose this, I suggest joining the land reclamation team."

"The reclamation team will be awarded a 10% share of any extra land reclaimed beyond the task's target."

"The second type is skilled labor. Pay depends on your skills and specialization. Typically, it's around 1 silver coin a day."

"Additionally, if you work continuously for two years and pay taxes on time, you can become a member of Bay Village."

"You'll be granted 10 acres of land with permanent usage rights, as well as eligibility to purchase a house in the village."

"Lastly, there's the option of applying to become a reserve soldier."

"However, this is not available to non-professionals or non-residents of Bay Village."

"Here's a task list. You can take it with you, think it over, and submit your decision later."

"Lastly, welcome to Bay Village. I hope you enjoy your time here."

Leon handed Jifan a task list, and as Jifan stood there in a daze, Leon smiled warmly at Jixiang beside him.

The little girl, not at all shy, returned the smile sweetly, reminding Leon of his own younger sister.

Walking past the walls, following the road signs, Jifan, his sister, and Tom arrived at the residential area.

Rows of neatly arranged wooden houses lined both sides of the road.

Though many of the timbers had not yet fully dried and still smelled faintly of resin, the houses provided shelter from the wind and rain, and protection from the scarlet moon.

Finding their place by the number on the sign, Jixiang eagerly pushed open the wooden door, skipping inside and exclaiming with delight:

"Wow! Three rooms! Two beds! And there are blankets! New ones!"

"There are even new clothes! They're a bit big, but I can still wear them! Hee-hee..."

"Six whole ceramic bowls, one big water jar, a table, chairs, and stools! And they're all new!"

Jixiang ran around joyfully, touching everything, her face glowing with a brilliant smile.

Jifan sat on one of the new chairs, stroking the smooth tabletop, which was polished and splinter-free. A look of disbelief flashed across his face.

"Are these really newly made? Is Bay Village really this wealthy?"

"Jifan! My goodness! This place is even nicer and roomier than my house! I have to tell my dad just to make him jealous! Haha!"

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