Secret C.O.V.N.E.T Operations (Part 2)

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After a long while of driving, the group finally managed to reach C.O.V.N.E.T's top-secret location, but they needed to hurry-- Gonzo and Misty could be in real trouble by now!

Once they parked the van, they crept out into the shadows that some trees were giving off and noticed a guard station right in front of the entrance.

After a moment of spying, Zipp decided to speak up to her friends about something. "Okay, so... how are we gonna get in there without the guard seeing us?"

Sunny looked around, noticing a small shrub not too far away from her, causing her to smile. "I think I have an idea!"

She stomped her hoof, allowing her earth pony magic to make the shrub grow to a size that they could all hide behind, but wasn't too high to where they couldn't see over it. "Great idea!" Kermit told his earth pony friend. "All right, everyone, let's move!"

Everyone got behind the bush and began to move it closer and closer to the guard house, pausing whenever the guard glanced in their direction, and finally settled on a spot near the sidewalk.

But while the group popped up from behind the bush, Animal was the only one who popped up out in the open. "Psst, Animal!" Hitch whispered. "Get back here!"

"Sorry..." Animal apologized before moving back behind the bushes with the others. But, the security guard was still standing in front of the gate, and a bush walking past would drive his senses through the roof. Luckily, Miss Piggy seemed to have a plan of her own in mind. "Stand back, boys. This is a job for a woman."

"Huh?" many of the ponies whispered to themselves as Miss Piggy walked away, leaving Sunny to follow her and make sure no extreme measures were taken while the others ducked out of sight. "Hello," Miss Piggy said smoothly as they approached the security guard. "What's a nice man like you doing in a guardhouse like this?"

However, the guard didn't seem to be amused. "I'm buffalo hunting. What's it look like I'm doing? This is a restricted area. You gotta go. Both of you."

"Uh-oh... Piggy, maybe we should go," Sunny whispered. "We need to think of another plan!"

But, however, Miss Piggy wouldn't budge, continuing to try and sway the cop. "Look deeply into my eyes and tell me you want me to go."

"I... want... you... both... to... go!" the guard barked. "Understand?! Now!"

Sunny was just about to advise Piggy that they needed to leave again, but then, Piggy patted her pocket where the Mind Mist was hidden, and Sunny suddenly realized what her plan was.

When Miss Piggy turned, she got the bottle out of her pocket and turned around quickly, spraying the guard and letting its effects fall on him. "What was I saying...?"

"Um..." Miss Piggy began speaking. "You were saying you were going to open the gate. Ha-ha-ha."

And instead of being hostile, the guard smiled and did as he was told. "Open the gate. Open the gate. Of course, open the gate. Come on in. Welcome."

"Come on, guys!" Pipp whispered. "Piggy and Sunny scored in our entrance!"

As the group approached the front gate, Piggy turned to the guard again. "Now, tell me I'm beautiful, sweetheart."

"You are beautiful, sweetheart."

"Aww... thank you."

"Oh, boy," Pepe lightly punched Piggy's shoulder. "He fell on you like a ton of bricks, okay!"

"Naturally, I guess," Sunny said with a shrug. "Have a nice time. I like your tie," said the guard to Fozzie. "Very nice."

"Thank you!"

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