Heading Home/A Dragon Discovery

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Zipp sighed, looking up at the night sky as she stretched her wings out. “You’re right, Gonzo... this is pretty amazing.”

Sunny smiled at this. “Yeah… the perfect ending to a great day.”

Gonzo had the idea to gather everyone on the roof to gaze at the stars, which would become a monthly Muppet tradition. “This was probably the greatest day of my life,” Gonzo agreed, just before something came to his mind. “But there’s still one thing I don’t understand.”

Kermit turned to look at him. “What’s that, Gonzo?”

“Why did they want me to build a Jacuzzi?”

Zipp nudged Pepe, who was chuckling, causing the pegasus to clear her throat. “We may never know,” she said, just before a portal appeared not too far away. “But I do know what that means… we have to get going, ponies.”

“Awww, do you have to?” Journal asked as she and her friends got up. “We were hoping you could stay and be Muppets, like us!”

“Kermit just asked us to join the group today!” Persephone squealed. “It’s so awesome!”

“I’m sorry, but we have families back home to get back to,” said Sunny. “But I promise, next time we’re in this area for a Unity Quest, we’ll look you up.”

“Wait!” Caramel stopped them from leaving. “Before you leave… we have some things we wanted to give you.”

She reached into her mane and pulled out a brown piece of paper. “I found this map last year, but… it’s so faded out I can’t figure out what it leads to. Maybe Zipp can take it back and figure it out?”

“Definitely,” Zipp smiled. “Thanks.”

“And… here’s a gift from me,” Persephone pulled out a glowing object from her saddlebag. “I found this a long time ago, but… I think it belongs to you. You helped me and my friends find a family of our own, where we can be ourselves. That’s the greatest gift we could ever recieve.”

“Thank you,” Sunny smiled gently. “We’ll take great care of them.”

“Bye, Gonzo. Bye, Kermit,” Misty hugged them. “Take care of each other.”

“See you later!” Pipp waved just before the Mane 6 left through the portal before it closed.


It was a few hours after the Mane 6 returned from their Unity Quest, and they met Paradise in town, where Hitch was happily cuddling Sparky, having not seen him in days. “Sparky, I’m never gonna let you be taken by an evil government facility-- never.”

Sparky just gurgled, not understanding what his father was saying, but he didn't care-- he was just happy to see him.

Misty was showing her mother the piece that Persephone had given them, leading her to hum in thought. “This may just be me, but… it looks almost… star-like,” spoke Paradise. “Don’t you think?”

“...yeah! It does!” Sunny realized. “This must have some form of importance, otherwise Persephone wouldn’t have given it to us.”

“Speaking of gifts, I can’t figure out what this map leads to either,” Zipp sighed, putting her magnifying glass away. “If only it weren’t so faded…”

Suddenly, Sparky sneezed, sending a burst of dragon fire onto the map, rejuvenating it and causing its true location to be revealed. “Wait… dragon fire activating a map? Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark being on it?” Zipp gasped. “This can only mean one thing!”

Izzy raised an eyebrow. “And that is…?”

“This… this is a map to the Isle of Scaly! Otherwise known as... the Dragon Lands!”

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