I stumble out of bed with my conjoined twin savanna, I HATE savanna so freaking much. My Brown orbs meet with Savanna's blue orbs. Savanna orbs are SO SO SO SO VERY INSANELLY blue and orb like. Her orbs keep me up at night because the blueness of them reflect off of the moon light.
We are conjoined at the hips so we both still get to have some fashion choices that the other doesn't. I dress up in only a pair of blue jeans which me and Savanna decided on. Shirts are for nerds anyways, my titters belong to be seen by the world. Savanna Dresses up in an alpha male pink shirts with a creeper hoodie.
While we are getting dressed Havana makes a comment on how she doesn't want to wear the gay pride skirt over the blue jeans we wear every day (washing clothes are for squares we are both perfectly ok with the shit stains on the jeans) So as anyone would i called her out for the homophobic anti-pope person she is. She immediately got Cancelled on twitter and after people decided to jump her every 36 seconds she decided to not be homophobic and wear the Gay Pride skirt.
As the twin who is 8,9" every doorway is a challenge to walk through so sometimes Havana jumps up while we are under them and breaks my neck on the door frame so now I have a very very floppy neck
(authors note- dw my faithful fans this will play into the story later)
She did exactly this as we walked out to our car to go to church, This is my favorite activity even though I am a liberal who thinks that all gods should burn. Havana also loves this as she is a Homophobic conservative who thinks I should burn!
(3rd person pov)
Savanna and Havana struggle to drive any vehicle due to the fact that they have a 5ft height difference and are conjoined at the hips. They went over to their foes house. Her name was Elsa and they hated Elsa, but they decided to deal with her anyways because she was Elon musk's daughter and because of that she had a ton of money and fame. Elsa hopped into their car and they immediately drove to the church.
As soon as the group walked into the chapel they saw the most sexy, lustful, jaw dropping man. The Pope.