Heavenly Veil

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Etherea, a twin earth within a dimension, separated from that of the norm humans foresee. The world is vast and beautiful, an identity all its own. Kingdoms still rise and coexist with modern societies. Often these high wealth and powers are ruled by what we call, Human Country. And being conjured long ago in search of higher beings' guidance. Different from what we know, a story they carry all their own as Etherea is its own identity and law. How such beings still continue to strive in higher statues goes unknown within human grasp, but they exist and are dangerous forces. But nobody cares as long as they promise prosperity and stability- where they could live happily without a worry in the world.

Few kingdoms reign today, their relationships with others are delicate matters as each still yearns for more power, or to be able to stay in control for as long as they please.

And we have one, a certain kingdom surrounded in yearly winter embrace, is expecting the upcoming heir of "Tsarovia", to finally take needed preparations to wear the crown and rule Tsarovia dwindling condition.

Russia POV -------•⁕•--------

Frost biting winds blister against my skins that long since went without the touch of warmth. The skies, like always, were covered in a captivating domain of tinted clouds- that of which forever blocks rays of the sun from entering the lands of winter's embrace.

Time here was difficult to tell whilst I fought the numerous guards with a single pistol that was set with only two more shots left.

Briefly confirming the number of rubber bullets left, I hurried over behind a placed jeep as bullets flew right after me. A total of three hit the vehicle once I positioned myself knee-down beside the durable wheel made to travel through the snow.

There were a total of two vehicles, such as the jeep and unfinished tank on the other side of this small battlefield. The area we fought was within a square, completely covered in the crunches of piled snow with little places to take cover in. I took a moment of rest, suspecting that the others were tired as well from this drawn-out battle.

Not good enough' I grit my teeth, quickly standing up and bashing the window of the jeep with my elbow and caught the attention of the enemies that scurried quickly behind the massive tank. Even if it is not fully built, it was well armored which means I cannot shoot through them. I wouldn't have done so either way, it would have been a waste to lose two of my remaining bullets.

The frosted air was still, but I could hear their shuffles and muffled breathings. After a second of confirming all was behind the tank, I quietly unlocked the door- had already spotted a small ivy case at the passenger's seat. But I never left my eyes off the field, fearing that they might shoot right when I was searching for the FUCKING door handle that my hand slipped past.

Once the door was propped open, a flurry of shuffled snow and ready arms aimed for where I was. One got above the tank, two at the left- head of the tank and one behind the back. They all shot at me, but I noted their positions down just before swinging the door wide and buried my upper body below the seats. Many bullets flew over as I crawled my hand over to find the case.

No luck.

I had to peek my head up before another outbreak of bullets flew over me. Probably reloading, hopefully. After taking the dare I spotted the case and took it into my grasp just before ducking back down from another shot. Just one, but it was close- it almost seemed like it would take off my ushanka at that very moment.

Still buried in the jeep I checked inside the case, and to my dismay, there were none. Either it was the enemy that got to it, or it was another prop onto the battlefield for false hope. Giving out an aggravated sigh I dug myself out of the vehicle with the case at hand. Best I could do with it now was successfully hit one in the head and hope it knocks them out.

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