14. Clean Sheets/Fresh Pajamas

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Kai's POV

I was in high spirits today. With the rare moment of free time, before I needed to go to sleep, I decided to channel my inner chef and make bibimbap. The kitchen was my stage, and I was determined to create a masterpiece. I cooked a fresh batch of rice, sautéed the vegetables, and seasoned the meat. Everything was perfect. I asked the others if they wanted to share with me, but they all declined.

"Suit yourselves!" I playfully yelled and ate my food before heading to sleep.


I woke up feeling groggy the next morning. The rice had done a number on my face, but it didn't matter when I saw the time.

10:30 AM.

I'd slept in by 4 hours. The dorm was empty except for me it seemed like as I jumped up and threw on some clothes before rushing out the door. It never occurred to me to get breakfast before I left, which I quickly regretted. I was feeling pretty proud of my culinary creation last night and decided to make it again.

Fast forward to that night. I was eager to have my bibimbap, the thought of it making my stomach rumble in anticipation. As I was about to dig into the--now questionable--bowl of leftovers, Yeonjun walked into the kitchen.

"Kai, are you eating that?" he asked, looking at the bowl with a mixture of concern and disbelief.

"It's fine," I replied confidently, not sensing the impending doom, "It's just rice."

Yeonjun's expression grew more worried.

"You left it out all night. It could make you sick."

I waved him off. 

"I've had leftovers like this before. It'll be okay."

With that, I ignored his warning and served myself a generous portion. The rice seemed a bit off, but I shrugged it off. I finished the meal feeling satisfied, but within a few hours, something didn't feel right. The discomfort started with a slight ache in my stomach and soon escalated into full-blown nausea. I tried to ignore it, but the pain intensified. I staggered to my room, hoping that lying down would help, but it was too late.

Before I knew it, my stomach revolted. I tried to make a desperate dash to the bathroom, but my body betrayed me. I didn't make it. I ended up collapsing on my bed, overwhelmed by a wave of nausea. The result?

A messy, unfortunate disaster of vomit on myself and the bed.

Yeonjun, who had been in the living room, heard the commotion and came rushing to my room. The sight of me in such a state made his eyes widen in shock.

"Kai!" he exclaimed, rushing to my side, "Oh no, what happened?"

"I— I couldn't make it," I managed to croak, feeling utterly mortified, "I think it's the rice..."

Yeonjun immediately took charge. 

"I had a feeling. Alright then, let's get you cleaned up."

He helped me out of the vomit-soaked bed and into the bathroom. He let me shower and change into fresh clothes while he sorted out the mess on the bed. When I got out, I walked to my room where I could hear him muttering under his breath, a mix of frustration and concern.

"Why didn't you listen to me?" he said as he took the sheets off the bed, "I told you that rice was a bad idea."

I felt a pang of guilt.

"I'm sorry. I should've listened."

Yeonjun gave me a weary but kind smile.

"It's okay. Just remember to be more careful next time."

Once I was cleaned up and the mess was mostly dealt with, Yeonjun made me lie down on a fresh set of sheets. He brought over some medicine and a glass of water.

"Take this," he said, handing me the medicine, "It'll help with the nausea."

I took the medicine and sipped the water, feeling a bit better.

"Thanks, Yeonjun. I really messed up this time."

He knelt down beside me, offering a reassuring smile.

"It's alright. Just get some rest. Maybe next time, we'll avoid any more midnight culinary adventures."

I managed a weak smile, feeling grateful for his help and understanding.

"Got it. No more risky rice."

Yeonjun chuckled softly, ruffling my hair.

"Good. Now get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning."

As I closed my eyes, the warmth of Yeonjun's care and the promise of a less eventful meal tomorrow made the night's ordeal a little more bearable.

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