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Good morning pookies

Good morning pookies

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Let's start yeah 🤗

Pond look at phuwin with a worried face when he didn't respond,he asked again

Pond: are you ok? Look i..i.,. Am sorry if I did hurt you I....I was just...

Phuwin: why (tears streaming down his face)

Pond: huh?

Phuwin: why? Why did you do this to me why?

Pond: look..,.am sorry I..,I was drunk ok am sorry

Phuwin: you were drunk! I tried to stop you so many times but you...... So it's him

Pond: who? (Confused)

Phuwin:it's him, the person who's stopping you from accepting me?

Pond: what the hell are you talking about?

Pond is frustrated and annoyed about what phuwin was trying to say

Phuwin: who's Ai

Pond look at phuwin with a dangerous glare if it was before phuwin he will be scarred but nop he wasn't scared infact he returned the same glare to him....

Pond: don't you dare mention his name in your dirty mouth (yells)

Phuwin let out a sarcastic laugh

Phuwin: aw why? Your lover? Or who?

Pond had enough and said

Pond: am warning you don't let me do what I don't want

Phuwin: what ? After the one you did to me?

Pond stand up and left the room while slamming the door angrily, phuwin look at the door and started crying thinking what he did wrong in his past live that he deserves this? After some moment pond came back with a bag in his hands ......

Pond: here (throw the bag at phuwin) take it and leave

Phuwin: and what's this?

Pond: money, take it and leave I don't need you here anymore

Phuwin laugh through his tears , hearing the laugh you know it's a painful one

Phuwin: so ,am taking money from you after taking my virginity! Which means I sold myself for you for one night? You're impossible Mr Pond Naravit (stand up and goes close to him) You think am a slut? A whore? Who will sell his body for money? Huh?

Pond smirk and look at phuwin

Pond: aw , you love me don't you? Then.... Take it as you see after all (whisper in phuwin's ear) you're a slut who's begging for love .

After saying that he left the room while phuwin fell on his knees and started crying loudly,the guards outside could hear his cries they started having sympathy for him but pond did as if it wasn't human that's crying inside his room......

After crying phuwin calm himself down and goes to the bathroom and freshen up ,when he came out he look at the mirror his body is all red coz he tried to take off the Hickey that pond gave him but he can't. He dressed up and look at the bag of money one last time and mutter

Phuwin: you will regret this Mr Naravit I promise, you'll come crawling to me .

After saying that he left the room while leaving the bag there , when he goes out he saw the guards looking at him in pity , even tho their boss is cruel they like phuwin coz he's so cheerful so they all wish him good luck, some even offer to help him find a place to stay but phuwin refused and say he will manage....

Phuwin reach xxxxx area (I don't know anywhere leave me 😭) he look for a comfortable apartment and rent ,mind you he put on a mask while booking it because he know pond will later come after him ,and ask for forgiveness so he use mask ......

After he successfully rent an apartment he goes inside it , it looks cozy too rich for his liking but he stayed there coz the area is too far away from where pond is ....phuwin sigh and started arranging his clothes inside the wardrobe he but everything in thier place and sit on the bed with a sigh.....

He started thinking if only he didn't start work in pond's office all this won't happen,if only ....only if's are going inside phuwin's head but his thoughts were cut off when his phone rang , he flinched and look at the phone and noticed it was his friend war .... He tried his best not to cry and pick the call

Phuwin: hello (shaky voice)

War: hello Phu, where the hell have you been huh? I tried to call you for over how many months but your phone is switched off , I tried to track you down but no response, I reported to the police but no trace of you . What the hell is going on?

Phuwin finally burst out in tears , he started crying like a baby , hearing his cries war stopped talking and ask him in a concerning voice

War: phuwin? What's wrong? Tell me,tell phi ,where are you?

Phuwin tell him where he is within some hours war reached there he knocked on phuwin's door aggressively waiting for him to open the door , after phuwin opens the he hugged war like his life depends on it , while war try to calm him down......

They get inside the apartment and sat down on the couch

War: explain Phu, look how you're now , you look skinny and wait....(Look at the hickeys on his body) What's this? I mean I know it's Hickey but from who? Phuwin, explain (yell)

Phuwin flinched and look at war , can't blame him war is over protective of phuwin , then phuwin explain everything to war ! War look at him while crying

War: your boss did all this? Only because you love him?

Phuwin: yes, am sorry phi war that I didn't inform you , it's just when I was trying to inform you that's when he kidnapped me . Am so sorry(crying)

War: it's ok phi isn't mad at you hm, Phu look at me

Phuwin look at war

War: are you sure you're safe here?

Phuwin: why? Phi war?

War:(sigh) Phu he's a Mafia remember? How are you not sure that he assigned someone to stalk you?

Phuwin: you're right phi war, but I don't know what to do I....i

War: do you want to come with me? To my apartment? Am sure we'll be safe there , beside my boyfriend is there

Phuwin: wait....did you just say boyfriend? Phi war

War: what? It wasn't my fault you went missing ok

Phuwin pout feeling betrayed

Phuwin: so how is he (wink)

War: non of you're business, when you grow up I will tell you (ruffles his hair)

Phuwin: oh , phi war am not a kid anymore ok tell me ,tell me (he exclaimed)

War: no way am telling you , now let's pack yeah

Phuwin pouted and they started packing while war look at phuwin's pout happy that he's pouting at least that's the starting of bringing him back to his normal self.....

After they're done packing they wore mask and goes outside the apartment and lock it when they get out the saw a man in black quickly hide behind the bush war look at phuwin with I told you look , so they quickly get inside wars car and drove to war apartment, luckily the guy didn't follow them since he thought phuwin will come back.......

How is it?

Will phuwin be safe with war?

Love you all

Byeee ❤️

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