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Hello (sigh) apologize for not updating,am very very very busy with my job I..(sigh again) I have no excuse am sorry guys please bear with me ok na love you....

Let's start

Phuwin: huh?

Pond takes a step closer again, closing the distance between them, his body almost touching phuwin's .His hands are clenched into fists at his sides, his knuckles white from the strength of his grip....

Pond:You're making it very difficult for me to control myself. (he said his voice filled with lust and need)

Phuwin look confused where is this going to?

Pond: why did you lock the door?

Phuwin;coz I want to sleep

Pond stares at phuwin his eyes darkened with desire and possessiveness, his breathing heavier. His hand lifts up and gently cups phuwin's  cheek, his touch gentle, almost reverent, as if he's touching something precious and fragile, the thought of phuwin locking the door because he wants to sleep triggers him....

He feels like phuwin is trying to run away from him that makes him insane he doesn't want phuwin to be far away from him even tho it's hard to control when he's closer. So he whispers in phuwin's ear.....

Pond:I can't think straight when you're near me also I don't like it when you're far away. You drive me crazy phuwin.

Pond said,his voice low and gravelly, his hand tracing the line of phuwin's jaw, his fingers gently grazing his skin with possessiveness and lust? ...

Phuwin push him away and moved away

Phuwin: are you ok?

Pond's eyes widened in surprise at phuwin's  sudden action. His expression is a mixture of shock and confusion, his body still thrumming with desire and need...

Pond: W...what's wrong?

Phuwin just kept quiet while giving him a judging look

Pond: why did you push me away?

Phuwin: you're behaving wired

Pond sigh and ran his hands through his hair trying to calm down his breathing he tried to hold phuwin's hand but phuwin moved away not wanting any of his touches, he sigh again but this time in annoyance trying to not burst out on phuwin avoid hurting him....

Pond: am behaving wired because....

Pond stop what he was about to say not wanting to hurt phuwin's feelings so he sigh and apologize

Pond: am sorry

Phuwin: for what

Pond: am sorry for behaving wired am..am so sorry

Phuwin: it's ok just don't do it next time ok

Pond: yeah I won't

Phuwin: am going then

Pond: uh ...yeah.. good night

Phuwin: night (lock the door and slept)

While pond just stand outside cursing himself for almost loosing control which will cause a lot of problem if he do so ... He sigh and go to his room and lay down on his bed while thinking if phuwin hadn't stopped him shit might happen which he will regret.....

With all this thinking pond finally slept,while phuwin

Phuwin: oh my God he was about to.....(Squeal) Oh my if I hadn't stopped him we would have done it

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