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Jimin had his arms folded on his chest, sitting on the passenger seat glaring at the road "What?" yoongi asked driving not appreciating jimin's annoyance "Nothing" jimin mumbled not looking at him "Jimina" yoongi whined trying to look at him also keeping his eyes on the road "WHAT?" jimin yelled and turned towards him "You are this mad just because i took you from there??" he said in disbelief, jimin huffed in disbelief also "No you embarrassed me in front of them" jimin's cheeks grew red as yoongi's lips curved into a smirk "Me loving you was embarrassing?" he asked as he parked the car on his porch "Lo~love?? Ohhh hyung you~" jimin huffed arms folded on his chest "You what baby? What did I do?" he said smirking getting out of the car, he closed the door behind him going over to the other side and opening the door for jimin, and held his hand to help him get out "Oh wow, you never did this to me?" jimin said surprised as he was not used to these treatments "Jimin i am sorry" jimin shook his head and took yoongi's hand smiling "Don't be hyungi" yoongi hold his hand tightly and bring it to his chest press it firmly "Let's go inside" yoongi said trying to smile, jimin nodded a little before started to walk...

"Dad i am home" yoongi said taking off his shoes "Your dad is home??" jimin asked trying to take his hand away from yoongi who's grip just becoming more tighter "Yeah, why won't be he home?" yoongi asked motioning jimin to take of his shoes as well "You never took me here when your dad's around" jimin took off his shoes placing it neatly beside yoongi's, yoongi's not just mind his entire soul was started to filled with guilt "Welcome back, who is this pretty gentleman we have here?" sool said as came out of his office room to greet yoongi, jimin blushed and bowed his head down "Hello sir i am jimin, nice to meet you" jimin tried to yanked his hands from him again but failed "Hey, hey now don't call me sir, and hello jimin, i am sool yoongi's dad" he smiled and wiggled his brows at yoongi specifically at jimin's hand "You can call him dad jimin, he is my boyfriend dad" yoongi said taking jimin inside, but jimin frowned and stood still instead "What?" yoongi asked softly and grabbed him by his waist to pull him closer "YOON, stop making him uncomfortable" sool spoke sternly which made jimin to not frowned anymore "Oh, I am sorry, he is not, i just~" jimin tried to spoke but sool stopped him with a gentle smile "Do you want some hot chocolate?" sool asked motioning them come with him "Yeah jimina loves it" yoongi spoke instead which made sool stop in his track and turn around "You want some?" sool asked again this time directly looking at jimin, jimin nodded biting down his lips, he couldn't say no to something which yoongi already agreed on "So what do you do jimin?" jimin and yoongi both sat down on chairs in front the kitchen counter and yoongi still didn't let go his hand "I am a student of fine arts" sool nodded in appreciation "So you both met in school?" Jimin nodded shyly looking down "Yeah he is my junior" yoongi spoke and kissed his head, making jimin looking at him with widened eyes "I am sorry for his behaviour, new and old both" yoongi choked suddenly when his father spoke, and jimin looked at now sool with the same expression "Da~" yoongi was about to speak but sool stopped him "I know, well not everything but mostly the things that are important, rose called" jimin this time successfully yanked his hand from him completely prepared for taking criticism and told to get out "She told me how you were cheating on her, and how you broke up with her leaving her all heart broken and she also said how you were with mr jimin not even more than few days ago" jimin gripped tightly onto his pants and yoongi noticed and started to get worked up "Your break up decision is something i support but~ are you sure you want to be with my son jimin?" sool asked out of nowhere sliding two cups of hot chocolate in front of both of them "Why wouldn't he want to be with me?" yoongi asked well no he growled which he earned a glare from his father but he glared back which sool looked at him surprised "Well i~" jimin started spoke but stopped which made yoongi's heart to stop "It's okay take your time, I am not asking you to get married to my son" sool chuckled making jimin smiled as well, but yoongi no he just stared at jimin realising that he might indeed lost jimin...

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