Welcome Back! (REWORK)

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Hello everyone and welcome back,

I've missed all of you. I am pleased to announce the reopening of this shop. I invite you to send me your books for review. If you already did, please send them again. However, there are a few changes. The shop's name has been changed from "Free Book Review Shop" to "Rotten Tomatoes."

To clarify, Rotten Tomatoes is a website that aggregates reviews, information, and news about movies and television shows. It assigns scores from 0 to 100. A score of 100% indicates a highly recommended movie. Scores below 60 are considered Rotten, indicating a less favorable review. Scores above 60 are deemed Fresh, suggesting a decent watch, while scores above 75% are considered Certified Fresh, indicating an excellent watch.

I will be adopting this rating system for book reviews. When I review your book, I will provide a score from 0-100%.  DON'T WORRY! Everything still remains free of charge. :)

Here's the form.

Genres: I will accept all genres

Language: I accept english only

Experience: I've worked in book publishing/editing/reviewing for 2 years.

Payment: No payment needed! I've been bored a lot up until recently and would love to review your books for free!

What I will Focus on: I will write about the characters, plot, the title, the book cover, and its enjoyment.

How much: I will read 3-5 parts including the prologue.


Book Title:


Book Description:


Mature Themes: ("Yes/no")

If you'd like Feedback on Specific Areas: (If not just leave it blank)

Tag me:

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Comment your form here! (Remember to tag me to get my attention)

Happy Writing!

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