Heiress Strike

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Haein wasn't in her best mood that morning as her mind replayed the conversation she had with her husband. The banter wasn't mean to turn material.

She heard him turn the shower off and saw him walk out, bare top and a towel wrapped around his waist. Haein had intended to ignore him but the sight of the wound over his abdomen that had yet to recover bothered her.

"Did you not had Dr Yoong look at your wound yet?" She asked with a frown. Hyunwoo peered at his waist. "I couldn't. Omma would start panicking and I'll have to walk around with a dozen more security around me if I went to him." He reasoned as he walked over to the shared dresser.

Haein sighed. She walked over to the other end of their room, fumble through a cabinet pulling out the first aid.

"You don't have to do it. I can just get Sang Tae hyung to look at it later." Hyunwoo holds her hand. "And when do you intend to see him?" Haein shot him a glare as he retreated his hold from her hand.

"It's going to get infected if you don't clean it properly." She murmured as she began replacing the bandage.

Haein could feel his stare that would bear a hole through her head. She was itching to just apologise for overreacting to his question last night but her ego got to her first.

"I'm sorry."

Haein looks up startled by the sudden apology coming from her husband.

"I didn't mean to offend you." He added.

Haein hesitated and was drawing a proper reaction.

"Don't apologise. It's a fact that our families are at each other's throat, anyway." She addressed the elephant in the room.

The silence that followed was deafening.

"I reckoned harabeoji's position will be vacant by the end of the year." Hyunwoo breaks the minute silence. Haein nodded as she began putting away the used gauze and bandages.

"What do you want me to do?" He ask instead.

"What do you mean by that?" Haein turned confused.

"I don't intend to get rid of you." Hyunwoo cleared the air. "And you're expecting me to believe that?" Haein wasn't buying it.

Hyunwoo sighed.

"If I really wanted to oust you out, I would've done so years ago, Haein-ah. You know for a fact my family have taken control of your family 6 months into our marriage." Hyunwoo spat facts.

"And you also know for a fact why me and my family are still alive is because I haven't produced you a heir yet. Your family would've gotten rid of mine as soon as our child is born." Haein countered facts just as he did.

"I'm buying as much time as I could for you." Hyunwoo was getting impatient. "And how long do you think it would last? We're almost five years in." Haein furrowed her eyebrows.

"That is why I'm asking you...what do you want me to do?" He reiterated his question in frustration before the realisation hit Haein.

"Wae...why are you giving me the option?" She couldn't understand knowing who Baek Hyunwoo is and how people like him, like her, like everyone in their circle are. They are ruthless when it comes to power, and not a soul would be spared to remain or rather be the one in control.

Haein saw how Hyunwoo's eyes wavered. That wasn't like him at all and before she could even comprehend what her mind was drawing up, their attention diverged to a certain heiress that barged in.

"Oh, sorry. I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Jihyun arched a brow judging by how her younger brother was technically naked if not for the towel.

"Do you not know how to knock for God sake?!" Hyunwoo was beyond irritated.

Haein read the room.

"I'll be downstairs." She mentions to him before leaving. Haein did not bother to even acknowledge her sister in law.

As soon as the door close, Jihyun scoffed.

"When are you getting rid of her?" She asked before casually taking a seat on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Hyunwoo ignored her question as he grab hold of a shirt and wore it over his head. The bandage on his waist didn't go unnoticed by his sister.

"What were you even thinking coming back here without notice? You know mum won't hesitate to have a gun on your head at any moment you appear in front of her?" Hyunwoo added, frowning.

"You should have the baby through procedure the soonest and get rid of the Hong family already. It's a matter of time before harabeoji pull his trigger on the Hong family now that he announced you as the heir." Jihyun did not beat around the bush at all.

"Harabeoji called you back?" Hyunwoo connected the dots.

"I think he noticed. That you're fond of Hong Haein. I mean it's pretty obvious for one not to notice." She rolled her eyes. "So act quick. And let me remind you that you're on dad's radar too now that you've snatched what is supposed to be his." She pointed out.

"How about you? Am I not on your radar?" Hyunwoo was quick to prick.

"That depends on how you're going to behave Baek Hyunwoo." She smirks. "I'm leaving." She announced as she stood up to leave.

"And oh, if you're going to keep Haein with you...better make sure she doesn't have you on her radar. I think you know first hand whose men it was that caused that wound on your waist." Jihyun warns.

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