~6~ If I Stay (part one)~6~

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Jessica woke with a jolt pulling herself to her side she took a deep breath and looked over her shoulder for Sam. He had already left for work and she sighed in relief. She rubbed her eyes and looked to the alarm clock. 7:30am flashed across the blue lighted screen. "Shit." She muttered as she rolled over to her back and covered her face with her hands. She reached for her phone picking it up to see a text from Danny at 5:30am. Her eyes lit up and a smile crossed her lips.


"Good morning honey. :* Call me when you wake up I have a surprise."

She smiled even wider and pressed the call option on her screen. The phone range a few times and she waited to hear Danny's voice.

"Good morning sweetheart." He smiled as he picked up the phone. His voice dancing with excitement.

"Mmmm good morning." Jessica's voice was still soft and a bit groggy, she wasn't quite awake yet.

"Oh you sound tired honey what's wrong." He asked.

Jessica just giggled at him. "Nothing is wrong I just haven't exactly woke up yet."

"I see... Well I must say your sleepy voice is very cute."

"Ha well thank you." She smiled her heart fluttering in her chest.

"Honey I didn't mean you had to call me right when you woke up."

"I wanted to hear your voice.... I miss you." Jessica pouted.

"Aww I miss you too and im glad I get to hear you when you wake up." Danny smiled at how cute she was. He couldn't believe it.

"Me too I like waking up to your voice.... What is this surprise I am hearing about?"

Danny chuckled at her eagerness. "Oh so that's why you called before you where awake you just want the surprise."

"No im just curious. You where the one who suggested a surprise."

"Your right your right. Ok meet me at the Pier at 8:30 and bring a jar."

Jessica was utterly confused. "A jar!?!?" She asked.

"Yes." Danny laughed. "A big one!"

She decided not to argue and just go with it. "Alright what ever you say. 'Bring a jar.' Anything else?" She laughed.

"Nope just a jar and that beautiful body of yours."

Jessica could feel her face flush. "Ha ya ok."

"Ill see you soon sweet heart."

"Alright see you soon honey." Hanging up the phone she looked over to the alarm clock again it now flashed 8:00am. Shit I have to go. She jumped out of bed still with nothing on. A cool breeze hit her as she ran for the bathroom. Small goose bumps arose on her skin as she shivered. Starting the shower he ran a brush threw her hair and brushed her teeth as she waited for the water to warm up. She stepped in and quickly washed her hair and shaved her legs, not that she needed to but it made her feel better. The warm water ran over her body and she had to relax in it for a second. Sliding her fingers over her chest she came across the scar that lined her collar bone. She stopped momentarily just letting her fingertips trace every detail of it. She took a sharp breath almost gasping for air. Taking her hand from the scar she turned in the stream of water and quickly shut it off. She rested her head on the wall of the shower her hands on either side of her supporting her wait. "Damn it." She whispered holding back tears. She quickly gathered herself thinking of Danny waiting for her. Stepping out of the shower she reached for her towel and quickly dried off. As she dried her hair in the towel the big mirror along the wall started to clear and her body become visible in the mist. She paused for just a moment as she looked at her body. A little burse here, another one there, a bump, a scrape. What had she become? Dropping the towel to the floor she let her hands fall to her hips, tracing the line across her stomach where once a small life had grown if only for a little wile before it was taken from her in a rush of blood and pain. Never to know this world or the love she was so ready to give it. A tear fell from her cheek softly hitting the ground beneath her. Looking up once again to her face a very prominent burse lined her cheek, evidence of the argument only a day ago. She slid her fingertips across her cheeks inspecting each and every line on her face. She stepped back from the mirror letting her fingers slid over the counter top she came across a vase filled with little black and white stones. Picking it up in her hands she rolled it between them and looked back up again. Her face suddenly changed into something she hated something she couldn't stand. It was herself. Without the makeup to hide the bruises and lines, the lies, everything she had become stood looking her in the face and she hated to. Lifting her hand she threw the vase into the mirror letting out a loud yell, it shattered against the wall sending glass across the bathroom. She looked into the broken glass at her still fully exposed body and stormed out of the bathroom slamming the door behind her. She slid out the top drawer to her dresser and picked a pair of peach colored lace panties and a matching bra. Tossing them into a bag on the bed she went to her closet and picked out a pair of white skin tight ankle length pants with black stitching and a black off the shoulder top. She picked a pair of black high heeled sandals that laced like ballet slippers across her foot and tied at the ankle. She went back to her dresser and pulled out a cute little black vintage style swimsuit with a see thou lace midsection and little snaps at her hips. Pulling it on she pulled her boobs up so they where pushed up and accentuated. She pulled on her pants and walked back to the bathroom. Cracking open the door she grabbed her makeup bag and slammed the door again. Grabbing her bag off of the bed she walked down stairs to the guest bathroom and dried her hair pulling it back in a clip she left her bangs down. She applied a thick layer of foundation to hide the burse and dusted across it with a dark powder to hold it. She decided on a more natural look and applied a brown eye shadow and a thin eyeliner. Walking threw the kitchen she grabbed a large glass jar with a wide lid. She tucked it into her bag and put on her shirt and shoes. Grabbing her keys and bag she stormed out of the house locking the doors behind her. She placed the bag on the passenger seat of the car and walked to the drivers side. Starting it she looked down to the radio the clock flashing 8:30am she was late. She drove like crazy using the time to calm herself down. she wasn't mad and she wasn't sad she didn't even know what she was all she knew was it hurt. She pulled onto the pier seeing Danny leaning against the side of a red 1965 mustang convertible. His legs and arms crossed out in front of him. He wore a pair of dark sunglasses and a black polo shirt with light blue jeans. Seeing Jessica pull in, in her charcoal Impala he couldn't help but smile. She parked across the lot from him and stepped out pinching her cheeks for color she cringed at how much her bruised cheek hurt. Danny jogged over to meet her a smile across his face. He wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her tight. Jessica smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him tighter to her.

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