~7~ If I Stay (Part Two) ~7~

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Picking Jessica up in his arms Danny carried her back up to the house. Her legs wrapped around his waist linking her ankles behind his back. She held tightly onto his shoulders as he kissed her the whole way. His large hands gripping her behind to support her small frame. He pushed open the sliding glass door and stepped into the open space of the house the kitchen counter only a few feet to his right, and the coffee colored suede couch sat between two dark wooden beams a good fifteen feet ahead of him. A tan plush rug lined the floor just in front of the couch. Danny went on threw the house to the stair case they had so eagerly descended a few hours prier, passing both of these options for a more comfortable area of the house. Jessica paid little attention to the passing furniture, she was lost in Danny's eyes their almost copper hue dragging her away from everything she felt earlier that day and even pulled her away from the life she had created a few hours away. Sam was far from her mind and she didn't care, Danny was all she wanted. She didn't have to be afraid around him or even wonder about anything, and she loved that; to be free of uncertainty. Taking the stairs in twos Danny made his way to the landing and down the long hallway, past the room he had earlier taken Jessica into along with three other doors, to end of the hall. Pushing open the door he stepped in and placed Jessica down on the very soft bed. She looked around the room noticing first the bed she was laying on. A huge four poster bed lifted much like the one in the other room. It was covered in dark brown bedding almost a red tint to it. Egyptian cotton? It felt like silk only softer and much more warming. The comforter was thick and held a very starched look to it, like it had been painted there and never touched. The wooden frame of the bed was a deep mahogany and looked as though its intricate details where carved by the hands of a skilled perfectionist. The whole room smelled just like Danny, leather and cigars . A hair on hide lay covering a large portion of the tan carpet in front of the bed, brindled in brown and red giving it a almost caramely glow. Is that a bear? No, the hair is to short. Maybe a cow? No, too long. The walls three windows lined the wall to her left a view of the beach skyline shining threw. A fire place stood strait in front of the bed about fifteen feet away the wall behind it was jagged stone layered together with such precision. This room is huge, twice the size of the other. Two lamps stood on either side of the bed their shades, auburn cow hide laced to the metal frame with leather strips. In the corner directly to her left sat a leather chair facing into the room at an angel, the windows at one arm the bed at the other. No pictures where to be seen around the room in fact there was little to be shown of any personalization. The room looked like something from a home design catalog, extravagant but nothing personal.

"You okay baby?" Danny asked pulling her from her trance.

"Hmm?" Jessica looked up at him caught like a deer in headlights. "Yeah i'm fine." she smiled catching a glimmer in his eye.

"Good." Danny leaned down to her his toned chest and biceps shining in the light. His skin was deeply tanned like he spent every wakeing moment outside, shirtless. His abs held her attention for what seemed like forever. He looks like one of those guys on the front of those romance novels you see at the grocery store. Placing her hands on his biceps she squeezed shocked at how firm they where. Danny laughed and looked down at her taking in everything about her. Her hair fell around her in a pool like flowing Champaign. Her lips in a pout, of course, they where almost a brick color but still very soft, like she had been eating cherries. Her eyes, Oh god her eyes, they look like two peridot stones rimed in a deep brown amber, her eyelashes where dark and thick making her eyes pop. Her soft skin like velvet, kissed by the sun so she glowed a soft bronze. Is this what she looks like when she is passionate? Jessica slowly pulled her bottom lip between her teeth chewing on it, her nerves getting the better of her. Danny couldn't resist anymore he wanted to taste her, feel her, anything. He pulled her lip from her teeth slowly watching her mouth gap open.

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