~16~ Panic and Pain ~16~

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Jessica lay on the floor beside her bed crying to herself as she held her stomach tightly in her hands. Her entire body hurt and she had no strength. She was tired and she didn't want to move. The pain of what he had said was more than the pain of his physical blows. "Lets face it you'd only fuck it up. Your a shit person how can you expect to be a mother."

Rolling over she picked up her phone chucking it hard against the wall shattering it into about ten pieces.

"Fuck you, you arrogant bastard." she screamed.

Using the bed to push herself up right she stretched her back as she sobbed in pain. She limped to the bathroom to examine her wounds. Looking in the mirror she let out a ragged breath. Her nose was bleeding the blood dried to her upper lip and cheek. Her lip split open in several places more blood dried to her mouth. Her cheek and eye beginning to bruise, and er face swollen and puffy from crying. She didn't dare look at the rest of her body she didn't care to see or know. Just knowing it hurt was bad enough.

She quickly wiped her tears and went in search of her makeup bag. She intended to cover every last bruise and cut leaving no evidence that she had even shed a tear. That was what she was good at covering it up and acting like it never happened.


Danny's 65 mustang sped down the highway weaving threw traffic life he just robbed the back. He frantically worked at his phone trying everything he could to get threw to Jessica. He called her again and again, with no answer each time.

"God damn it Jessica answer me." he shouted as he tried for what felt like the millionth time. He slammed his fist into the steering wheel unsure what to do next. Sarah that's who she called the other night, I think. He thought to himself searching for anyway to find her. I think I met her a few times. Damn it Danny think. He pounded his fist into his head trying to remember. Paulson? Is that her name? Fuck, maybe she gave me her number. He looked through his contacts hoping he had her number. After all he was an eligible bachelor and everyone knew him, people where always giving him phone numbers, especially women. He fumbled with the phone as he continued at high speeds down the busy highway.

Near the end of the list her name popped up and he breathed a sigh of relief, now he only hoped she would answer. The phone rang forever and Danny began to panic again. On the last ring there was an answer. Shit I have no story, fuck. Lie Danny Lie.

"Hello?" Sarah answered.

"Uhh- ya hello, this is Danny, Danny Huston." Danny stuttered as he changed lanes yet again.

Sarah was confused as to why a man she had only met maybe three times in her life was calling her. "Oh hey Danny. What can I do ya for?"

"Umm well- I was just wondering, well you see im in kind of a spot here."

Sarah paused for a moment before asking. "A spot? What on earth could I help with," she laughed.

Danny chuckled nervously. "Ya- see im hoping you could give me an address."

"An address?"

"Ya- well- you see im looking for Jessica, Jessica Lange." he was beginning to fumble. Sarah stayed silent for a moment only utter a simple questionative 'okay'. "Its just that I have this -uhh- this idea I would like to run by her. I think she would be a great addition to this new project im working on."

"I see. A project." she was very skeptical of the whole situation, but yet again Jessica was always receiving offers for this or that so it really was nothing new. "Well what exactly do you need from me?"

"Her address."Danny stated plainly. "I'm in quite a hurry you see and I need to speak with her right away."

Sarah fumbled with the coffee cup she had been holding, freeing her hand and wiping it on her jeans. "I can give you her number I mean Its probably-"

Danny cut her off. "No- Uhh- no I would like to talk with her in person. I have the proposal with me and I think that would be easiest, but like I said Im in kind of a hurry."

"Umm alright, she should be home I guess." she glanced at the clock over her shoulder. "She is at 213 Meadow-brook. Its off of pine-view and up the hill, its the big colonial, off white I believe. Its gated at the front drive, im sure you wont miss it."

Danny sighed relived to finally have an answer. "Thank you I honestly couldn't thank you enough."

"Its no problem."

Danny thanked her again and hung up the phone tossing it the the passenger seat. Glancing over to where only two weeks ago the love of his life sat smiling as the wind flowed threw her hair and she smiled lovingly at him, he smiled. He shook his head pushing the image of her away and pushed faster to find her.


Jessica stood in the kitchen washing out a dish cloth as she heard a car pull in. She stood on her toes to look out the kitchen window over the sink. Her brow furrowed and her mouth dropped slightly. She couldn't see who it was and she began to dry her hands, teetering on her feet to see.

The front door flew open and her stomach dropped, she hoped it wasn't Sam again. She looked over her shoulder at the clock on the stove, his plan should have left by now. Looking around the counter she took a step closer to the dining room and ultimately the entry way.

"Jessica?" a low voice boomed through the house and she jumped. Danny stepped out around the corner of the entryway in a panic. Jessica clutched her chest in shock letting out a huff, the dish towel still in her hand. Danny looked into the kitchen seeing her leaning against the end of the counter on one hand as the other clutched her chest. His eyes where wide and his forehead damp with sweat.

He rushed threw the space wrapping Jessica tight in his arm and lifting her off of the floor. Jessica flinched as he grasped her bruised back and crushed her rib cage. He let her go and held her face in his hands examining her face.

"Oh my baby are you okay? What did he do to you?" he asked in a steady panic. He looked into her eyes and all over what little exposed skin she had. She was unable to cover her split lip and her eyes steadily increasing darkness was out shadowing her makeup. "My god Jessica." he pulled her back tight to his chest. Jessica closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax into him. She gripped the sides of his t-shirt as he cradled her head in his hand brushing at her hair as the other rubbed slow circles on her back.

Jessica began to sob again and he shushed her as he held her tight. She felt the tension in her body leave and she wanted to collapse on the floor in his arms. He was so warm against her shaking body. She couldn't believe how different he was from everyone else, or how much she loved him for it. He kissed her head smelling her hair and instantly closed his eyes tears welling in his eyes.

"Shh, its okay honey im right here. Don't cry its okay." he repeated in a whisper over and over as she clung to him like a scared child.


Hey guys sorry this is a very short chapter. I am in kind of a hurry to get stuff done today but I wanted to get something written for you. I will be continuing this chapter later it just gets into some way deep stuff and I didn't want to get to caught up and not have enough time to get it all out how I want. Anyways this one is for @raraou. Enjoy guys I will update soon.

~Little Miss Lange

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