~22~ Don't Drop Me ~22~

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Jessica awoke to Danny's soft snoring his breath tickling her hair. She smiled to herself taking a deep breath. He had the sheet tossed over his lower body, his chest left exposed, as he laid on his back Jessica tucked under one arm.  At some point in the night she had slid from his chest to the mattress. She watched him for a moment her finger tips danced on his chest, his exposed skin warm against her hand. 

She pondered for a split second what it would be like to live happily with him, to wake up every morning with him at her side and Payton asleep down the hall. She imagined what that must feel like, to be part of a happy family. Her hand grazed across her stomach mindlessly and she what their baby would feel like nestled deep in her belly safe and warm.

The thought was quickly dismissed and she rolled over to her back staring at the ceiling. She took one last look at Danny asleep beside her and smiled. She placed a soft kiss on his cheek and climbed out of bed stretching her back and arms as a soft yawn escaped her lips. She checked the clock and let out a sigh; 8:00am. Her stomach growled and she decided breakfast would be best. 

Moving from the bed completely she crept to the door careful not to wake Danny. She smiled at his limp frame peaceful and cozy as he slept, before closing the door behind her and making her way to the stairs. As she descended them, bouncing from one step to the next she couldn't ignore the dull ache in her lower body. She let out a slight 'oh' as she reached the bottom of the stairs, shaking of the feeling and going ahead with her plans for breakfast. 

Switching on the radio as she past, Jessica swayed towards the refrigerator. Soft melodies flouted through the space and she hummed along. She retrieved the milk and eggs along with a small package of bacon. Deciding pancakes with eggs and bacon was easy enough. Moving to the counter she mixed a thick batter and heated a large cast iron flat top that was already on the stove. The sizzling sound of the bacon filled the room along with that all to familiar smell that made her stomach growl again.

As pancakes staked up on the plait next to he and the eggs and bacon had been removed from the stove top she took one last look around wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She was surprised that the sound and the sell hasn't woken Danny by now. She laughed to herself and headed for the stairs. The dull ache once again made its presence known and Jessica grumbled, she hadn't realized how much the day before had taken out of her. 

As she reached the landing she turned for the guest room tiptoeing across the carpet. The door squeaked as she pushed it open and she could see Danny fast asleep on the bed just as she had left him. She smiled and moved for the bed, standing over him she touched his cheek softly feeling his stubble against her fingers. Danny didn't stir so she bent to his his temple.

"Danny." she whispered softly. She was met with silence once more and she kissed him again. "Danny, honey wake up."

The smell of her perfume permanent emanating from her crossed Danny's nose and he took a deep breath not wanting to open his eyes for fear she would disappear like she had a few days before. Her sweet voice called his name again and he knew it was to vivid to be a dream. Opening his heavy eyes just enough to shut them tightly again if she wasn't really there.

He was met with her burning amber eyes and a sweet smile. He took another deep breath happy she hadn't been a dream this time.  

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Jessica smiled down at him. Danny reached over to grab her hand in his lacing their fingers together. "I made breakfast. Its down stairs waiting. Do you want me to bring it up?"

"No." Danny croaked his voice horse and tired. He let go of her hand and wrapped his arm around her hips pulling her tight to the bed. Jessica bent her knees to keep from falling over and rested her fist in the edge of the mattress to hold her up. Danny placed his other hand under her rib cage and pulled her down to lay on top of him. 

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