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When we get inside the house Seungmin takes my backpack and walk to the stairs and Han grabbed my hand and takes me to the living room and he sat down on the couch and pull me down with him and cuddle me
Y/n:"w-what are you doing?"
Han:"I'm cuddling you"
Y/n"Han it's late we have to go to bed.."
Han:"well maybe you shouldn't have ran away we could have cuddled all day but no you decided to run away"
Y/n:"I ran away because I felt trapped you guys basically kidnapped me so did you really expect me to just stay here when I didn't have a choice?"
His hold on me tighten and I slowly started cuddling back
Y/n:"it's on I guess...but we really should get to bed its 12:45 at night..."
Han:"fine but can I sleep with you? That way I can cuddle you"
He smiled at me and sat up and pulled me up with him and walked past the guys who was watching us the whole time with a smirk on their face we ignored them and walked to the stairs
Han:"night guys"
The guys:"Goodnight"
When we go to my room we saw Seungmin putting away my clothes from my bag
Y/n:"oh you didn't have to do that Seungmin"
Seungmin:"it ok I wanted to"
Y/n:"oh ok then thank you"
Seungmin:"um do you want this on your bed or your desk?"
He asked holding the stuff animal
Y/n:"the bed please.."
He nodded his head and placed it on the bed then looked back at us
Seungmin:"so what is Han doing here?"
Han:"I'm going to sleep with y/n"
Seungmin:"wait what? Already I didn't think you were like that at least take her out first"
He smirked at us we looked at each other confused then it clicked and we started blushing
Y/n:"w-wait that's not what he meant! He meant cuddling and sleeping! not that!"
Seungmin:"sure then you wouldn't mind me joining you"
Han:"y-yeah we don't"
Han pulled me closer to the bed and we layed down and got comfortable I grabbed the stuff animal and hugged it while Han cuddled me from the front and Seungmin cuddled me from behind
Han:"goodnight cutie"
Seungmin:"night princess"
We all then slowly feel asleep

Hi guys I know it's been awhile since I've updated and I've just want to say thank you all so much for reading this book I didn't think it would be like that much when I first started it and I'll try updating more soon I've just had so much going on with school and other personal things so thank you for showing your support I hope you all have a good day/night
                                ♡ ♡ ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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