Will she make it?

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Reece and Jodie stared eachother down and Reece pushed past her while muttering "no, no, no" under his breath. Jodie tried her best to derail the situation and convince Reece that Marjorie wasn't here, but nothing was working. They were both screaming at eachother, the words could not even be recognised. The tall blonde decided to search the house for Marjorie, but he found no trace of her. Whilst Reece was wandering frantically around Jodie's house, she ran to the cellar and grabbed Marjorie's phone. She let out a slight chuckle to a very vunerable Marjorie trying to speak through her gag. She found the sight hilarious. She dashed back to the ground floor of her house and Reece was stood there. He was staring down at her and the only words he could get out were "why."

They began to wrestle eachother, but Reece was larger and stronger than Jodie, which gave him an advantage and he managed to knock jodie out, giving him enough time to rescue his girlfriend and leave. He carried her out of the house and into his car and drove to the hospital, calling his sister on the way. Autumn contacted Charlotte, who told Mia, and Carly, who contacted Sorscha and in a panicked voice told them they need to go to the hospital, now. The three of them knew something was wrong as Autumn never shows emotion, so this was out if character for her.

Reece, Autumn, Winter, Charlotte, Mia, Sorscha and Carly were all in the waiting room, sat in silence and on edge waiting for someone to call for them. Reece was trying to find ways to explain what has happened but he just couldn't. He just wanted to make sure Marjorie was okay.

Two long hours had passed since they'd arrived at the hospital, until a nurse called out "Reece Knight?" The group stood up and walked towards the doctor. "Take it easy with her. She's very vulnerable at the moment." Reece walked in first and ran to Marjorie and just held her hand. The rest of the group looked at her and sorrow filled the air. "J-Jo" Marjorie spluttered. "What is it gorgeous?" her boyfriend calmly asked her. "I- It's Jodie." The room went silent. The group looked at eachother in shock, Reece, Autumn and Mia all shared a look and the two girls stormed out of the room, with faces of thunder. "Look after her. Marj I'll be back soon, I just need to deal with something." Reece said as he ran after the two girls.

Charlotte, Winter, Carly and Sorscha were left, in the room with Marjorie. The brunette explained to them what happened, and how she knew that Jodie was the spy. Nobody said a word after that. They all stood around Marjorie in complete shock.

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