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A a week passed now since the break in. Jodie was still laying low, ignoring every phone call she got from the staff at the nursery and piecing together her information. She knew she needed to get this done soon as she's going back to work tomorrow.

The CCTV at the nursery had now been checked through, the woman who broke in was unrecognisable to the staff, but this woman was Jodie. Not wearing a wig, or prosthetics to make herself look completely different, it was actually Jodie. Whilst she was pre occupied with her plan, she completely forgot that Marjorie was coming to see her today, so she wasn't prepared. She was rocking her natural look, not the undercover look she wears at work. She was nearing to the end of piecing together her plan and she had all of her information plotted out on a huge board in the lounge.

Knock Knock.

Jodie crept towards the door and with no hesitation opened it and was met by Marjorie. She had forgotten that she wasn't wearing what she would wear at work and greeted Marjorie with a "Oh! Totes lush to see you!" "Hiya Jodie my love I was just coming to che-"


Marjorie looked up at jodie in horror. The woman she once knew and trusted was no longer here. She never was. The brunette hissed "Jodie?!" The blonde suddenly realised that she was experessing her natural, true self, and with that realisation she planted a powerful punch to Marjorie's nose, sending her plummeting to the ground.

Marjorie woke up in a room she didn't recognise. It was dusty cellar covered in cobwebs and the walls were disintegrating. She was tied up to a chair and blood was dripping down her now very delicate body. She had no idea how long she was there or who was with her, but she did know she needed to leave. She tried to reach for her phone but couldn't move her arms at all. Her phone was never even there to begin with.

Jodie had cleaned up the blood from her car and her house and had gotten into her undercover disguise. The board with all if the plots had been moved to her cellar, where Marjorie was. She knew Reece would stop by soon as Marjorie has been gone for quite a while now. A well thought out plan had planted to her brain for when Reece arrives.

Knock Knock.

"Hey Jodie, has Marjorie been round here?" The tall blonde asked. "Uh Ya. She totes left 2 hours ago." Jodie yapped at him. Reece was very clearly concerned for Marjorie and decided to ring her.

Buzz Buzz.

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