It all works out eventually.

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Guys this is a long one I'm so so sorry, but this is the last chapter of this series PLEASE DON'T KILL ME


Jodie was slowly coming around and after she realised what had happened she bolted to the cellar to see an empty chair. She whipped her phone out and called Roger. "Hello Jodie. Any updates?" The man said in a dark voice. "You don't need to call me Jodie anymore. They know." "What did you do, Bethany?"

Bethany took a deep breath, and found it odd how she was now being called her real name, instead of her made up name, Jodie. "I fucked up Rog. I forgot to turn off the lights and left the office a mess and the door open. I forgot Marjorie was coming to see me today and she caught me without my disguise. I beat her up and tied her up in by cellar but your pathetic excuse of a son came and rescued her after hearing her phone ring. He beat me up and took her. I'm guessing they're at the hospital. You need to deal with this. Now." Roger replied back "Dont worry Bethy. I'll sort it." he sighed "Not yet though. Got something else to deal with." Bethany slammed the phone down in frustration.

Reece, Autumn and Mia dove into Mia's black mustang whilst Mia drove furiously at a speed of 127mph en route to Jodie's house. When they arrived, an orange jeep was dumped outside and the siblings shared a worried look as they knew exactly who was present. They all jumped out of the car, Autumn wielding her bat, Reece wielding a hammer and Mia wielding a knife. The trio ran towards the door and Autumn managed to barge through it with one kick. The room was thick with smoke, and they could hear a man screaming "Bethany you've really fucked it this time. Fucking rot away like you deserve I can't have you getting me caught now can I?"

The trio split up, in search of this Bethany woman, and the source of the screaming man. Mia stumbled across a bloody knife, which made her realise this situation was worse than she thought. Autumn couldn't stop thinking about who Bethany is, and she had a theory that she was Jodie. She knew that Jodie was the one who had broken into the nursery, as Marjorie explained it to Winter, who had phoned Autumn and explained what happened on the drive to Jodies house. She thought that if Jodie could fake her appearance, she could also fake her name. "Clever witch" she mumbled to herself. Reece saw a man standing over a quivering blonde woman, and he was pointing a gun directly at her head. "Die Bethany." He growled. Reece ran to find his sister and Mia, who were both still wandering around the house. He grabbed them both and pulled him to the man. "Is that.." Autumn gasped. "Father" Reece interrupted her, catching the mans attention. "Roger! Let her go." Mia screamed whilst tackling him to the ground. "NO! Bethany deserves to die! She got me fucking caught you scum!" Roger hissed as he marked Mias chest with his knife. Autumn rushed to her aid, taking off her own t-shirt to press into Mia's wound. Reece looked at the girl on the floor and realised it was Jodie. Bethany was Jodie. A murderous rage filled him, as he looked at the woman, but he couldn't harm her. His pathetic excuse of a father has already done enough damage.

Reece turned to his father, but he had disappeared. He looked to Autumn and Mia, who were still there, Autumn holding Mia in her arms telling her to stay and that everything would be okay, whilst frantically dialling Charlotte's number. He turned back to Bethany, who was now layed in a pool of her own blood, Roger repeatedly pressed his knife into her skin. Reece threw himself at his father, taking him to the ground and began to pound him with his hammer. Autumn realised what was going on, and swiftly grabbed Mia's knife and began stabbing him countless times. After the man was unconscious, the siblings went to aid Bethany and Mia, but Bethany no longer had a pulse. "Aut..." Reece sobbed. "Brother? What is it?" his sister questioned. "She's.. she's gone." he carried on sobbing, pressing his head onto her chest. Even though she had been an invisible thorn in the siblings side for years, they had both felt like she was a friend and she was a part of their life. "How's Mia doing?" He asked after composing herself. "She's not great but she will be fine. Charlotte is waiting at the hospital. We need to go. Now." Autumn jumped up, carrying an unconscious Mia in her arms and to the back seats of the car. Reece was worried about evidence of murdering his father, so he quickly grabbed one of his lighters and poked a hole in it, allowing gasoline to seap on the floor of the house, and used his other one to ignite the house to nothing but ashes. He ran out of the building before he was burnt alive and hopped in the back seat of the car, making sure that Mia was okay. Siobhan had called Reece as shw had no idea what was going on, and she was worried because Roger hadn't come home. Reece explained everything to her and expressed how sorry he was, but all Siobhan could do was let out a huge sigh of relief, as if she had taken a huge weight off her back. Reece had told her to meet her at the hospital, where Vivian was currently working. Siobhan could not say no go that offer.

They all arrived at the hospital, and Mia was instantly taken by Vivian to get her chest stitched up and was placed in the same room as Marjorie, to allow the both of them some comfort. As much as they pretended to hate eachother, deep down, they were eachothers best friends. All Charlotte could do was sob into Mias red hair, and pray that she would be okay, as the rest of the group watched. Mia was conscious but very loopy. She was going to be okay.

A year had passed and Autumn was now the owner of the nurseries, Marjorie and Reece were working on the board of directors, Charlotte was the manager of one of the nurseries, with her fiancée, Mia as her deputy. Siobhan was the manager of the sister nursery, where her step son, Jamie was now attending and Winter was the deputy. Carly was still eavesdropping and accidentally blurted out the fact that Reece and Marjorie were expecting a baby together, which caused Winter and Autumn to announce their twin babies genders. They were having a baby boy and a girl. Mia and Charlotte were busy planning their wedding, Siobhan and Vivian were celebrating their one year anniversary as a couple, and their 4 month anniversary as a married couple, and Carly and Eric were finally getting ice cream together. Chef never finished her curry.

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