on the phone

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sorry it's been a while guys

There's a certain time in between your periods where you experience this animalistic instinct, an overwhelming yearning...

For dick.

And Rafe is always there to give it to you. Whenever you want it---he told you that when things became official between you two, and he's kept that promise so far.

Last night, Rafe didn't sleep over. He left late because he had to get up this early this morning. Today, he's with the guys; Topper, Kelce, and a couple others whom you don't care to know well. He won't be back until tonight.

You've woken up clutching the bed sheets and clenching your legs together. All morning, you've been stuck in bed letting your hands slide around your body while you think about Rafe.

But there's a rule. Rafe came up with the rule, but you both follow it; neither of you can touch yourselves unless the other one is present.

You feel like you're losing your mind. The heat between your legs is like a fever. You need a fix---now!

You grab your phone and call Rafe. You're a little nervous. Either he'll let you touch yourself this time, if you ask nicely, or maybe he'll help you out.

He answers. Thank God he answers.

"Rafe," you whine. Your throat is all scratchy from a good night's sleep.

"Yes, baby."

You slide your hand up your inner thigh but pull it away before you get too close to your throbbing clit.

"I need you."

He smiles, talks slow. "You need me? For what?"

You close your eyes and imagine he's on top of you, watching your face and getting off.

"I need you in between my legs."

Topper snatches the phone from Rafe's hand and puts it on speaker. All the guys lean in.

Rafe says, "I'm with the guys now, baby."

Your voice comes out all high-pitched like a child's. "I don't care."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm horny," you say. "And you're not here, and I keep thinking about you, and I need--" You take a deep breath, "--I really, really need you right now, Rafe."

The guys clap their hands over their mouths to stop any outbursts. They all look around at each other with eyes so wide it's a wonder they don't fall out. Except Rafe. He smiles at his phone like a horribly wonderful idea has just come to him.

Topper nudges him. When he looks, Topper mouths, Talk to her. All the guys insist that Rafe encourage you to touch yourself. 

"You can't wait until tonight when I get back?" Rafe says. "You know, I want to be the one to touch you."

"That's why I called you." You roll onto your side then roll onto your back again---the need to touch yourself has manifested into an aching throb. You need an answer soon. "I wondered if you'd let me touch myself."

"No." Rafe becomes on edge right away. You made a deal. No touching yourselves. "I'm not there," he says.

"You're on the phone. You're with me."

Rafe still doesn't like the idea. But Topper, Kelce, and the other guys furiously mouth at him to "do it do it do it."

"I'd really rather you wait for me," he says.

"I can't, Rafe," you whine. "I need to. I need to so bad---please."

Topper puts them on mute, and the guys go crazy.

Rafe Cameron Imagines (for horny bitches)Where stories live. Discover now