I hate being Aromantic

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"I think I hate being aromantic." Reggie tells Ray.

"Normally I'm all for self-love, and owning who you are no matter what the rest of the world thinks about you. Unless of course you're like a murderer or something like that- don't own that." Reggie continues. "But this is just... different. It's not that I care if people think I'm weird or stupid for being aromantic, it's..." Reggie sighs. "I don't know how to put it."

"Its... it's more like I don't like living in a world where romance will always be prioritized rather than me not liking being aromantic." Reggie says.

Reggie didn't think discovering he's aro would change much about him. He didn't think anything would change. But everything did change. Since the day he found out he was aromantic, he hasn't felt the same.

"I'll never be in a romantic relationship. And that's not the heartbreaking part like most people would think if they heard me say that." Reggie says. "The fact that I won't be in a romantic relationship only hurts because that's the kind of relationship everybody prioritizes. That's the most important relationship to them. So... I'll never have that. I'll never be that for anyone." Reggie's voice starts to shake. He takes a deep breath and continues talking to Ray.

"I'll never be as important, and I'll never even get to understand why. Because romance is just one of the millions of things I don't get. I thought it was because I was just an idiot before I found out I was aromantic. But some aromantic people do get it so why do I have to be one of the ones that don't?" He wipes a tear from his eye. "If I at least understood romance I might just be okay with me not being as important. But I don't and it just hurts I guess. Not just because I'm scared all my friends will leave me for a romantic relationship or I'll never be as important to them as their romantic partners, but I just feel so bad for all the people that lost their friends that way."

Reggie sighs again and wipes away another tear in frustration. He's always hated crying. Especially in front of other people, especially in front of adults.

"Sorry. It just hurts. Sure people say they value platonic love but they still value romantic love more and would give up their friendships for a romantic relationship and that just.... it makes me angry I guess. Its painful and it makes me angry." Reggie says. "I hate it. I hate this feeling. I don't understand it, and I have so many emotions about it but no words to describe how I feel."

Reggie sniffles, trying his best not to cry. "I didn't think I would, but I hate being aromantic."

That's the end of this one. Sorry it's short and that there's not really a resolution and I'm really just projecting right now bc I'm a sad, angry, hurt aroace but it's okay 🫠.

Anyway thank you so much for reading. If you're looking for more Jatp fanfics, check out  SunsetMercer and her fic the Faded Star. She's a very talented writer and I highly recommend her books🩷

Thanks again for reading and I hope you have an amazing day/night. Stand tall 👻💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08 ⏰

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