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I tried to call back but no one answered. "No no no! Please pick up!" Someone knocked on my door. "Come in." I said. Mom stepped in with a something wrapped in newspaper. "Grandma said Witney wanted to give this to you." "Thanks." I whispered. I think I know what it is. Mom left and I ripped open the present. It was the gothic doll! I dropped the doll. There was a message on the dress. I tore it off and read it. It read:
Mary said you should have it and put it next to your bed. She said she wants you. I really wanted it but Mary said if I didn't give it to you she would kill Deneric so... here!

I guess Deneric won't die but... there was no guarantee.
I looked at the back of the dolls neck and there was still Mary there. But, in little words beside it said: sees you.
I almost screamed but I covered my mouth. I sat on my bed and cried. Why me? Well, why anyone? Someone or something spoke to me in a raspy voice:
I see you.. you'll never survive the week... no one will hear you scream... no one will ever notice you'll be gone... because you'll be one of my dolls on my shelf... no one will miss you...

I cried harder. That's why these dolls were weird. Mine crying with mixed mascara and another one I saw in Witneys room was a girl with dirty blonde hair with blood in her mouth.

Realization hit me. These people suffered from bloody Mary, and some probably did the ritual. She probably used them as her spies, to spy on other people for her collection. I was not going to take part in it. Not now, not ever!

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