1. The Unexpected Meeting

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(FYI: This takes place after the GMG but before Tartaros)

It was a peaceful day. The birds were singing in the trees, the people were smiling and talking to each other and the sound of the train pulling up to the station was heard. It seemed like a nice and relaxing environment until...

"Ice pervert!"
"ENOUGH!!!" Erza shouted at the two boys while she grabbed them and smashed their heads into each other for causing a scene.

"Ow, that really hurt Erza" Both boys groaned in sync as they lay on the ground with giant bumps on their heads.

"They never learn, do they?" Lucy sighed.

"Never" Wendy giggles cutely.

"They should really grow up" Carla sighed as well.

"Aye!" Happy said as he munched on the 10th fish he ate today.

After the boys stood up, the group walked towards the train station to catch a train back home. Erza was still lecturing the boys on their behaviour but they both tuned her out and just glared at each other. When Erza occasionally looked at the boys to make sure they were paying attention, they would look at her and act like they were. When she turned back around, the boys went back to glaring at each other.

"So much for going on an easy job to pay my rent" Lucy grumbled under her breath. Since Wendy was right next to her and had amazing hearing, heard her.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we can go on another job to pay your rent" Wendy said in attempt to lift Lucy's mood. Lucy appreciated the girls attempt but she knew that the exact same thing would happen on the job anyway.

On the way to the train station, Natsu suddenly stopped walking and glared at something in front of them. The group quickly stopped as well and attempted to see what Natsu sees.

"Natsu what is it?" Erza asked

"I smell someone. Their scent tells me that they're dangerous" Natsu replies. All of a sudden a person with a hood and face cover steps in front of them. He just stands there staring at them.

(Please ignore the smoke)

"Who are you? What do you want?" Erza asks suspiciously

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"Who are you? What do you want?" Erza asks suspiciously. The mysterious person says nothing and continues to stand there.

"I've got a really bad feeling about this guy" Wendy timidly said as she hid behind Lucy. Erza was starting to get frustrated so she summoned a sword and pointed it at him.

"Answer me! Who are you?! And what do you want?!" The rest of the group started summoning their magic as a warning as well as a precaution incase of an attack.

The figure suddenly disappeared out of nowhere and teleported behind the group and threw a spell at Natsu.

"Natsu! Watch out!" Wendy shouted but it was too late and Natsu was hit but seemed uninjured. Erza threw her sword at the figure but he disappeared again. The group tensed and prepared for another attack but it never came.

"Are you alright Natsu?" Lucy asked worriedly. The rest of the group looked at him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I've got a tiny little headache but that's it" Natsu reassured them.

"Would you like me to heal you?" Wendy asked sweetly.

"That won't be necessary but thanks anyway"
Natsu smiled at her and ruffled her head.

While the group set off for the train station again. Natsu's tiny headache began getting worse and worse but he just shrugged it off. A little distance from the station, it got so bad he had to stop walking and put his hand to his head, which was immediately noticed by the group.

"Oi pyro, you alright?" Gray wondered.
Natsu just groaned and shook his head no. Just as Wendy was about to heal him. Natsu collapsed on the floor.

"Natsu!" Happy shouted as he ran to Natsu's side and shook his arm in an attempt to wake him up. Wendy immediately dropped to his side and tried to heal him.

"Guys! I can't find anything wrong with him!"

"Well clearly there is something wrong, otherwise he wouldn't have passed out!" Lucy exclaimed in worry.

"Don't yell at her! She's doing the best she can!" Carla shouted.

"Anyway we have to get him back to the guild maybe someone there or Porlyusica can help him"

"Yeah okay" Lucy calmly said, as she feels guilty for yelling at Wendy like that.

Gray helps Lucy picked up Natsu and put him on her back. And they quickly walked to the train station to get the first train to Magnolia.

When they boarded the train and left the station, they could help but think about how Natsu would either fight to walk to Magnolia or be hanging halfway out the window puking his guts out. Lucy would let him sleep on her lap stroking his surprisingly soft hair, Gray would go on about how pathetic he looked and Erza would threaten him to make sure he wouldn't puke on her or to knock him out.

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