A new place.

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"Are you ready yet?" Grey asked, his voice cutting through the quiet as I double-checked our supplies for the journey. We were preparing to move into the city, leaving behind the modest cottage I had built for us. Our coffers were heavy with gold, thanks to our recent adventures and the treasures we had amassed from countless dungeons. As we stepped out, the city greeted us with a vibrant hum of activity. Eldoria was bustling, far livelier than the last time Grey had visited, likely due to the morning rush. The streets were packed, the cacophony of traders' cries and the murmur of the crowd nearly overwhelming us after the peaceful quiet of the forest. We would need time to acclimate to this new, noisy environment.As we navigated through the throng, a voice suddenly halted our progress. "Greetings, young gentlemen. May I inquire what brings you to Eldoria?" Turning, we found ourselves face-to-face with a man clad in gleaming white iron armor, marked with a star encircled by a ring. His attire immediately signaled his affiliation with the Scalescourge Knights, the elite protectors of Eldoria. Two decades prior, their leader, Lord Vaelen Ravenshade, had vanquished a dragon that had threatened the city—a deed of immense valor, given the destructive might of such creatures. Only one known to rival or exceed such power was Kael Draconis. The tale of Vaelen's triumph was legendary, but whispers of his mysterious affliction following the battle had also circulated, suggesting that he was crippled after that battle.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as Grey and Arkane instinctively fell into a defensive stance. I quickly raised a hand to signal them to hold their positions.The man's sharp gaze lingered on us, and his voice was laced with authority. "Indeed, I find it rather unusual to see two young men and a woman laden with so many bags, and judging by your appearance, it's clear you're not from Eldoria. I must ask that you accompany me."His demeanor was firm yet courteous, leaving little room for argument. I nodded, deciding it best not to provoke further suspicion, and signaled to Grey and Arkane to follow.As we trailed behind him, the man led us through a maze of bustling streets to a modest building marked with the emblem of the Scalescourge Knights. The insignia on the door was the same star encircled by a ring that adorned his armor.Inside, the atmosphere shifted from the lively chaos of the streets to a more controlled, quieter environment. We were led into a room with wooden walls adorned with maps and documents. The man gestured for us to sit at a large oak table while he took a seat opposite us."Please, make yourselves comfortable," he said, his tone less formal now. "I'm Sir Aldric Bloodborn, of the Scalescourge Knights. We take security very seriously, especially with the influx of newcomers."He began to retrieve a ledger and a quill from a nearby shelf. "For the sake of protocol, I'll need to document your names and the purpose of your visit. It's standard procedure to ensure the safety of our city."I glanced at Grey and Arkane, who remained on high alert but kept their composure. I took a deep breath and addressed Sir Aldric."We're travelers seeking a new place to call home," I explained. "We've recently come into a bit of fortune and are looking to settle in Eldoria."Sir Aldric nodded, his expression softening slightly. "I see. And may I ask how you came by your fortune?"I hesitated for a moment, then decided honesty would be the best approach. "Through adventuring and exploration. We've been fortunate in our endeavors."Sir Aldric's eyes narrowed slightly as he scribbled in the ledger, but he seemed satisfied with the answer. "Very well. I will need to verify your identities and ensure there are no issues with your background."As he continued his inquiries, I couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and tension. Eldoria was proving to be more complex than I had anticipated, but if we could navigate this properly, it might be the new beginning we sought.

After a while, Aldric led us to a peculiar room, filled with countless small orbs, each inscribed with a different name. The room hummed with a faint, magical energy, making the air crackle with a sense of importance.Grey's eyes widened in curiosity. "What is this...?"Aldric, maintaining his composed demeanor, began explaining. "Since you've declared yourselves adventurers, it's customary for you to register with the Adventurer's Guild. Adventurers possess far more power than the average citizen, and as such, we need to monitor them closely. Each of these orbs contains a unique mana signature that allows us to track and identify you if necessary. This is a precaution to ensure that power doesn't fall into misuse."He selected three orbs from the collection and handed them to us. "Please, imbue each orb with your mana. Each person has a unique mana signature that will be recorded in these orbs."We took the orbs, each one slightly warm to the touch, and concentrated, channeling our mana into them. A soft glow enveloped each orb as our signatures intertwined with the magic contained within. Once we had finished, Aldric carefully gathered the orbs and placed them back among the array, each one now radiating a faint, distinct aura.

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