Working hard.

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The crisp air brushed against my face as I raised the hammer and brought it crashing down on the box. Grey's earlier mishap had left a sizeable fist-shaped hole, and mending it was proving to be a frustrating task. Fortunately, Savant's Insight made the job easier. This magical talent allowed me to fuse materials effortlessly, transforming a chunk of wood into a perfect patch. With a few deft gestures, I reshaped the wood, binding it to the box and knitting the atoms together until the damage was nothing more than a memory. I couldn't shake the unsettling memory of earlier, when Grey had suddenly gone berserk, his eyes turning an unnerving shade of black. At first, I'd suspected some form of brainwashing. But that theory dissipated when I checked his status after he'd regained control. A new talent had appeared—Ultra-Instinct. The system labeled it as Incomplete, indicating that Grey couldn't yet wield it at will. In this state, his body operated like a finely tuned machine, pushing his physical abilities to their absolute limits. The catch? He was unable to distinguish friend from foe, turning him into a formidable but dangerously unpredictable force.

The sun was setting, casting long shadows over the open training area outside the cottage. Arkane and Grey were still out there, locked in a rigorous sparring match, their movements a blur of precision and power. I glanced out the window, watching as Arkane, with her newly awakened Sharingan—those eerie red eyes that seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality—managed to keep pace with Grey. They were making progress, but my mind was elsewhere, focused on a different kind of training.Inside the quiet confines of the cottage, I was alone with my thoughts and the box I had just repaired. The cool air that flowed through the open window was a welcome contrast to the heat of the exertion I was about to undertake. I had decided to use this time to work on my skills, specifically my teleportation ability. The system's unpredictability intrigued me, and the only way to harness it was through persistent effort and experimentation.I placed the repaired box in its designated spot and turned my attention inward, focusing on the magical potential that lay dormant within me. With a practiced motion, I activated Savant's Insight. Instantly, the world around me shifted. Colors and shapes flared to life, an intricate web of possibilities unfurling before my eyes. Each potential route, each possible destination, was laid out in a dazzling array of hues and lines. It was as though my very perception had been calibrated to detect the threads of magic that intertwined with reality.My training goal was straightforward: to increase my stamina and reduce the mana cost of each teleportation. To achieve this, I would need to push my limits, both physically and magically. I took a deep breath and prepared to begin.

In a room designed for this kind of grueling practice, I stood in the center, the space echoing with the hum of my magical focus. The walls, adorned with faint sigils and runes, were lined with various symbols meant to aid in concentration and enhance the magical flow. I had chosen this room deliberately for its neutral environment, free from distractions and filled with the gentle hum of magical energy that would support my efforts.I visualized a destination—an empty corner of the room, marked by a simple white mark. With a mental command, I felt the familiar tug of teleportation as I vanished from my original position, only to reappear in the designated spot. The effort was minimal, but the mana cost was noticeable. I could feel the subtle drain on my reserves, like a slow leak from a small vessel.I aimed to minimize this drain. Each teleportation required precise control, and reducing the mana expenditure meant refining that control. I began by pacing through a series of short-distance teleports, each time attempting to refine my technique. I aimed to be more efficient, to make each jump as smooth and effortless as possible. The room seemed to shrink and expand with each leap, my perception of distance growing increasingly skewed.I pushed myself to maintain a steady rhythm, teleporting from one corner to the next, and then back again. The movements grew more fluid, the transitions smoother. I started to notice patterns in my energy expenditure, subtle fluctuations that signaled inefficiencies. I adjusted my focus, attempting to align my magical flow with the fabric of space itself. It was like tuning a delicate instrument, every adjustment requiring acute precision.

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