CH 7: Goodbye Morgana's Crater, Hello School

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The day had finally arrived for Harry to leave the tranquility of Morgana's Crater and return to the bustling halls of Arcanum Isle for the new school year. The summer had been one of relaxation, reflection, and preparation, but now it was time to face the challenges and excitement of the upcoming semester. As he packed his belongings, Harry felt a mix of emotions—gratitude for the time he had spent at the Crater, but also a growing anticipation for what lay ahead.

Garmr, the loyal and powerful Guardian who had always been Harry's companion during his travels, awaited him in the courtyard. The sight of Garmr brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, reminding Harry that, while the setting was about to change, some things would remain constant.

With everything packed and ready, Harry bid farewell to the five Custodians. They gathered in the courtyard to see him off, each offering words of wisdom and encouragement. Valeria, Emma, Theron, Lira, and Caelum had become more than just guardians—they were mentors, guides, and in many ways, family.

"Remember what you've learned here," Valeria said, her tone firm but warm. "The knowledge you've gained and the strength you've cultivated will serve you well in the days to come."

Emma smiled gently, her ethereal presence as comforting as ever. "The Crater will always be a place of refuge for you, Harry. Whenever you need guidance or rest, know that we are here."

After exchanging farewells, Harry climbed onto Garmr's back, feeling the familiar surge of power as the Guardian prepared to take flight. With a final nod to the Custodians, Garmr leaped into the air, carrying Harry swiftly towards Arcanum Isle.

The journey was swift, and before long, the towering spires of Arcanum Isle came into view. The school was alive with the energy of students returning from their summer breaks, each one eager to begin the new semester. As Garmr descended gracefully into the school's courtyard, Harry felt a wave of excitement wash over him. It was good to be back.

As soon as he dismounted, Harry was greeted by the familiar faces of his friends. They had arrived earlier and were eagerly waiting for him. There were warm hugs and excited chatter as they caught up on the latest news. Harry shared stories of the rest of his summer at Morgana's Crater, recounting the peaceful days of study and the insights he had gained from the Custodians.

The conversation quickly turned to the upcoming school year and the electives each of them had chosen. Harry told his friends about his selections—Slave Training, AP Necromancy, Nature's Balance, Magical Creature Care, and Gift Training. His friends listened with interest, sharing their own choices and discussing the challenges and opportunities that awaited them.

"I've decided to focus on advanced spellcasting," one of his friends said, excitement evident in their voice. "It's going to be tough, but I think it'll be worth it."

Another friend chimed in, "I'm taking Magical Ethics and History of Dark Arts. I want to understand the broader implications of what we do—how magic shapes our world and the responsibilities we have as its practitioners."

As they talked, the familiar sound of the Sorting ceremony echoed through the school. The new students were being sorted into their houses, and Harry and his friends made their way to the Great Hall to witness the event. The Hall was filled with the buzz of excitement, as students old and new awaited the results.

The Sorting Hat called out names one by one, assigning the new students to their respective houses. Harry watched with interest as several new students were sorted into Umbra, his house. Each new addition was greeted with cheers from the existing members, and Harry felt a swell of pride for his house. Umbra had always been known for its strength, cunning, and loyalty, and it was clear that this year would be no different.

After the Sorting was complete, the Headmistress gave a brief welcome speech, touching on the importance of the new school year and the challenges ahead. With the formalities out of the way, dinner was served, and the Great Hall filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation.

Harry and his friends continued to talk throughout the meal, sharing their thoughts on the new students and speculating about the upcoming classes. There was a sense of camaraderie and excitement in the air, as everyone looked forward to the adventures and trials that awaited them.

When dinner concluded, the students made their way back to their dormitories, ready to settle in for the night. Harry and his friends parted ways, each heading to their own rooms to prepare for the first day of classes.

In his room, Harry felt a sense of calm as he went through his nightly routine. Talon was there, as always, ready to assist him with whatever he needed. The routine was familiar and comforting—unpacking his belongings, organizing his space, and finally, enjoying the soothing massage that Talon provided. The day had been full of activity and excitement, but now it was time to relax and prepare for what lay ahead.

As Harry lay in bed, his thoughts drifted to the future. The new semester promised to be challenging, but he felt ready. The support of his friends, the knowledge he had gained, and the guidance of the Custodians had all prepared him for this moment.

With Talon keeping watch nearby, Harry closed his eyes, letting the familiar comfort of his surroundings lull him to sleep. The school year had begun, and Harry knew that whatever challenges came his way, he was ready to face them head-on.

Classes are:

Harry Potter's Year 3 Class List - Arcanum IsleCore Classes:

Potions and Alchemy: 

Complex Concoctions

Magical Ethics and Law

Defense Against the Dark Arts: Advanced Curse-Breaking

Mind Magic: Defense and Offense

Runes and Ancient Inscriptions

Physical and Magical Combat Tactics


Slave Training: Advanced Techniques and Ethics

AP Necromancy: The Art of Life and Death

Magical Creature Care: Rare and Dangerous Beasts

Nature's Balance: Magic and the Natural World

Gift Training: Unlocking Inner Potential

Study Hall / Free Time: Independent Study and Practice Time

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