But you did mean it, didnt you?

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Carly sank onto the couch, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clutched a faded photograph of the two of them, their smiles frozen in time. She felt utterly shattered. Her heart ached as memories flooded her mind—the laughter, the gentle kisses, the whispered promises. How could he do this to her?
Meanwhile, Reece had decided he couldn't let Elijah walk away without consequences. He had seen the pain in Carly's eyes, and it ignited a fierce protectiveness within him. He stormed out of the house, determination etched across his face, ready to find Elijah and confront him once and for all. He needed to make the boy understand the gravity of his actions.
As Carly's sobs echoed through the house, Marjorie and Charlotte, her best friend, rushed to her side. They found her curled up on the couch, a whirlwind of emotions.
"Oh, Carly," Charlotte whispered, kneeling beside her. "I'm so sorry. I can't believe he did this."
Marjorie wrapped her arms around Carly, pulling her close. "Sweetheart, it's going to be okay. You're not alone in this."
Carly looked up, her eyes red and puffy. "Why would he hurt me like this? I loved him so much!"
"I know, I know," Marjorie soothed, gently stroking her hair. "Sometimes people don't understand the weight of their actions. But it's not your fault."
Charlotte wiped away a tear, her voice trembling with emotion. "You deserve so much better, Carly. You're kind, and you have a beautiful heart. Don't let his betrayal define you."
As the two women comforted her, Carly felt their warmth seep into her broken spirit. Despite the heartache, she knew she had people who loved her and would stand by her side. "I just thought we had something special," she whispered, her voice cracking.
Marjorie held her tighter, her heart breaking for the girl she had come to see as a daughter. "Love can be complicated, but it doesn't mean you won't find happiness again. You're stronger than you think."
Just then, Reece returned, his face flushed with anger and determination. "I found him," he said, his voice steady but laced with urgency. "He's at the bar, and we need to confront him. Carly deserves the truth, and I won't let him get away with this."
Carly's heart raced at the thought. "No, please don't do anything rash," she said, her voice pleading. "I don't want you to get hurt."
"Don't worry about me," Reece replied, his expression softening. "This is about you. You need to know that you're loved and that what he did was wrong."

—————————-At the bar————————-

The vibrant autumn night was alive with laughter and chatter as Reece, Marjorie, Charlotte, and Autumn gathered at the bar, their hearts heavy with the weight of Carly's heartbreak. They had agreed to confront Elijah together, but as the evening wore on, Carly's emotional exhaustion took its toll.
Carly had arrived with her friends, but the emotional turmoil from earlier in the day had worn her out. She sat down at a booth, her eyelids growing heavy as the warmth of the surroundings enveloped her. Soon, she succumbed to sleep, her head resting against the table, oblivious to the chaos unfolding around her.
Meanwhile, Autumn had positioned herself near the entrance, scanning the bar for any sign of Elijah. Her protective instincts were on high alert, fueled by her anger over what he had done to Carly. Reece and Marjorie were engaged in quiet conversation, their eyes occasionally darting towards Carly, who was lost in a peaceful slumber. Charlotte, sitting next to Carly, watched her sleep, a frown etched on her face, feeling helpless against the pain her friend was enduring.
"Where the hell is he?" Autumn muttered, her patience wearing thin. Just then, she spotted Elijah striding through the bar door, a carefree smile on his face, completely unaware of the storm that awaited him.
"There he is," Autumn said, her voice low but filled with intensity. "Let's go."
Reece and Marjorie stood up, their expressions steely. "We need to wake Carly," Marjorie said gently, glancing at her daughter. "She deserves to be part of this."
As they approached Carly, Autumn leaned down, lightly shaking her shoulder. "Carly, wake up. We need you," she urged, her voice filled with urgency.
Carly stirred, blinking groggily as she sat up, confusion clouding her features. "What... what's happening?" she mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
"Look who just walked in," Autumn said, her tone sharp. "It's Elijah. We're going to confront him, and you need to be there."
Carly's heart raced at the mention of Elijah's name, a mix of dread and resolve washing over her. "Okay," she said, her voice steadier than she felt. "I'm ready."
As they approached Elijah, who was now laughing with Lily at the bar, Carly felt a rush of emotions. Anger simmered beneath the surface, while the hurt still lingered. Autumn stepped forward, her eyes blazing. "Elijah," she called out, her voice cutting through the noise of the bar.
Elijah turned, surprise flashing across his face as he saw the group approaching. "What's up?" he asked, feigning innocence. But his casual demeanor only fueled Autumn's anger.
Carly stepped forward, her heart pounding. "You need to explain what happened," she demanded, her voice trembling but firm. "You need to tell me why you did this."
Elijah shrugged, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. "It was just a kiss, Carly. Get over it."
The words hit Carly like a slap, and she felt her heart shatter all over again. "Just a kiss?" she echoed, her voice breaking. "You think that makes it okay?"
Reece clenched his fists, ready to unleash his fury. "You don't get to dismiss her feelings like that, Elijah! You've hurt her, and you need to take responsibility!"
Marjorie stepped in, her voice calm but firm. "You need to understand the impact of your actions. Carly deserves better than this."
As the confrontation escalated, Carly felt overwhelmed by the support of her friends and family. Despite the heartache, she was not alone. Surrounded by the warmth of their love and protection, she found the courage to stand tall.
"I trusted you," Carly said, her voice steady now. "I believed in us. And you threw it all away."
Elijah's expression shifted, annoyance giving way to defensiveness. "You're making this a bigger deal than it is. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"But you did," Carly replied, her voice rising with emotion. "And now I have to pick up the pieces."
As the conversation continued, Autumn remained fiercely protective, ready to defend her co-worker at all costs, autumn thought of Carly as a young version of her and Mia mixed, she wanted to make sure Carly kept the same way she was, not like autumn and Mia.. The vibrant autumn colors of the world outside felt like a stark reminder of the beauty that still existed, even in moments of pain.

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