The kiss

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A/N this is a long chapter so get ready! I've had loads of chapters ready but like I've been forgetting to publish them, so yeah thanks for reading! Xx

Carly felt the weight of the world on her shoulders as she pushed through the bar's door, the cool autumn air hitting her like a refreshing wave. She needed to escape—escape the hurt, the betrayal, and the suffocating sadness that wrapped around her heart. With every step away from the chaos, she felt a flicker of hope that maybe, just maybe, she could find solace outside.
The park was a short walk from the bar, and as Carly wandered along the path, she let the crisp leaves crunch beneath her feet. The vibrant colors of fall surrounded her, but they did little to lift her spirits. She found a bench nestled under a grand oak tree, its leaves gently falling like confetti in the wind.
As she sat down, Carly closed her eyes, trying to gather her thoughts. Just as she took a deep breath, she heard a soft voice nearby. "Hey, are you okay?"
Startled, Carly opened her eyes to find a girl standing a few feet away. She had wavy auburn hair that framed her face perfectly and bright green eyes that sparkled with warmth. The girl looked genuinely concerned, and for a moment, Carly felt a connection that was both surprising and comforting.
"I—um," Carly stammered, caught off guard by the girl's presence. "I'm just having a rough day."
The girl stepped closer, her expression softening. "I get that. Sometimes, the world feels really heavy. My name's Lila, by the way."
"Carly," she replied, a shy smile creeping onto her face. There was something about Lila that made her heart flutter, and for the first time that evening, Carly felt a spark of warmth in her chest.
"I was just taking a walk to clear my head," Lila said, settling onto the edge of the bench. "Mind if I join you?"
Carly shook her head, grateful for the distraction. "Not at all. I could use the company."
As they chatted, Carly found herself opening up about her heartbreak, the betrayal of Elijah spilling out like a dam bursting. Lila listened intently, her gaze unwavering and compassionate. "That sounds really tough," she said softly. "You deserve so much better than that."
Carly felt a warmth spread through her at Lila's words. It was as if Lila saw her—truly saw her—and understood the pain she was going through. "Thank you," Carly said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't realize how much I needed to talk about it."
As the conversation flowed, Carly discovered that Lila was an aspiring photographer, passionate about capturing the beauty of everyday life. They talked about their favorite places in town, shared stories of their lives, and laughed over silly anecdotes. Each word exchanged felt like a thread weaving them closer together.
Then, as the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the park, Carly felt a sudden rush of courage. "Can I ask you something?" she said, her heart racing. "Can I get your number? I'd love to talk again... maybe grab coffee sometime?"
Lila's face lit up with a radiant smile, and Carly felt her heart skip a beat. "I'd love that! Here, let me give you my number." She pulled out her phone, and Carly quickly did the same, their fingers brushing briefly as they exchanged digits.
As they finished up, Carly gazed into Lila's bright green eyes, feeling an exhilarating mix of hope and possibility. "Thank you for talking with me today," Carly said, her voice sincere. "I didn't expect to meet someone like you."
Lila smiled, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "I think the universe has a funny way of bringing people together when they need it most."
Caught in the moment, Carly felt a surge of emotion. She leaned in closer, her heart racing, and before she could second-guess herself, she pressed her lips softly against Lila's. The kiss was gentle but electric, a spark igniting between them that felt like a promise of something new and beautiful.
When they finally pulled away, both girls were breathless, their cheeks flushed. "Wow," Carly breathed, a smile spreading across her face. "That was... unexpected."
Lila chuckled, her eyes sparkling with delight. "Definitely unexpected, but I'm not complaining."
With the last light of day fading, Carly felt a sense of renewal wash over her. She had stepped out into the world feeling broken, but now, as she said goodbye to Lila and walked back through the park, she couldn't shake the feeling that something beautiful was beginning.
"I'll text you!" Lila called after her, waving as Carly turned to leave.
"Looking forward to it!" Carly replied, her heart fluttering with excitement.  she turned to see her friends—Marjorie, Autumn, Reece, and Charlotte—standing a short distance away. Their expressions ranged from surprise to delight.
Marjorie's eyes widened, and she stepped forward with an amused smile. "Well, that was unexpected! Look at you two!" she said, her voice teasing yet supportive.
Autumn grinned, her protective nature momentarily set aside. "Carly, I didn't know you had it in you." She nudged Reece playfully, with a smirk .
Reece chuckled, a knowing smile on his face. "Guess you didn't need us after all, huh? Looks like you found your distraction." He raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed.
Charlotte clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Oh my gosh, that was so cute! You guys have to hang out more. I can totally see the chemistry!"
Carly felt a mix of embarrassment and happiness wash over her as she glanced at Lila, who was smiling shyly. "I didn't mean for you all to see that," Carly laughed nervously, feeling the warmth of her friends' support.
Marjorie stepped closer, her voice softening. "Carly, it's okay. I'm really happy for you. It's nice to see you smiling again, especially after everything you've been through. Just remember, you deserve to be happy."
Charlotte nodded in agreement. "Exactly! If this girl makes you smile, then I'm all for it. Just be careful, alright?" Her protective instincts were still there, but they were mixed with genuine excitement for her friend.
Carly beamed, feeling the encouragement from her friends wrap around her like a warm hug. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it. I didn't expect to feel this way so soon, but... it felt right."
Lila, still standing beside Carly, looked around at the group, her expression a mix of delight and nervousness. "I hope it's not too weird for you all. I just met Carly, but... I really like her."
Charlotte grinned and waved her hand dismissively. "We love it! Welcome to the group, Lila. We're all about love stories around here."
Reece smirked and added, "Just know that if you hurt her, I have a very protective sister and an even more protective mom."
Everyone laughed, and Carly felt a warmth bloom in her chest. It was a moment that felt like a turning point—a new chapter not just for her heart, but also for the friendships that surrounded her.
As they all began to walk back together, Carly felt lighter, buoyed by the laughter and support of her friends. She glanced at Lila, who was smiling back at her, and knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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