stuck with you ch 6

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Saturday morning

I woke up and there were four other people in my bed. I was snuggling with Teddi, while TA was about to fall off the bed, and Keli was practically on top of Tevan. I don't have a hangover but I feel like throwing up. I run to the bathroom almost tripping over Tess who is passed out on the floor. I don't think I have been this excited to see the toilet ever.

" Ray are you okay?" Teddi asks pulling my hair back.

" No I feel like I'm throwing up my intestines."

" Most people say their throwing up their brains, I guess you partied a little to hard last night."

" No I don't have a hangover, I just feel queasy."

" Do you want me to make you some break feast?"

" You can cook?"

" Hells yes I'm the master chef, after my mom died I kind of just took it up."

" Wait your mom died, from what."

" Breast cancer when I was six, she was a chef. I wanted to go to culinary school but it cost way to much money and since my dad was starting up his club I couldn't go."

" That's horrible, we don't really know much about each other."

" I know...........that means we need to spend more time together."

" How come everything you say sounds really perverted."

" Oh that's because its suppose to be perverted." she smiles scooting closer to me then backing away and laughing." Ewwww girl you need to brush your teeth."

" I just got done throwing up you dumb ass! Give me my toothbrush and toothpaste."

" Get it yourself,no wonder why you have a nanny."

" Hey Katherine is more then just a nanny she is family."

" Damn right I am, levantarse nina tonta."

" Hey I'm not a silly girl Kat! This is Teddi remember."

" Oh yes I remember Teddi, I actually like you unlike those neanderthals in the other room."

" Hey I thought you like TA."

" Oh I love Toooonnnnyyy he is such a sweetheart but he is a neanderthal. But that Tevan boy I don't like him."

" Kat he is in the other room!" I giggle.

" Nina, he is in a deep deep sleep he has slobber all over his face and that girl, snores like a bear."

" Keli has always snored like that............well ever since she got that nose job." I smile rinsing off my toothbrush.

" What do you want for breakfeast?" Kat asks.

" Teddi is going to cook!"

" Oh Teddi is going to cook." she mocks me but not in a mean way." Teddi can teach you how to cook too!"

" Hey I can cook." I defend myself.

" You burn agua, but if your amiga is cooking then I will go to the food market."

" Okay Kat I love you, have fun." I smile kissing her on the cheek.

" Yeah, yeah adios."

After see leaves we go downstairs and she starts mixing up things. Shes makeingme white chocalte chip pancakes. She told me to watch but she is going to fast and I can't keep up, in about thirty minutes are food was done and it tasted amazing.

" Omg I love these pancakes."

" I love your face............its ummm..........its ummmmm."

" Its Beautiful, I know." I finish her sentence for her.

" Yeah it really is, your eyes are intriguing the look grey."

" There a real pale blue."

" Yeah so pretty." she strokes my cheek.

" Why the fuck do I always walk in when your hitting on MY girlfriend?" Tevan half asks and half screams.

" Sorry I can't resist hitting on  her she is just so cute."

" She really is and if she wasn't like my sister I would hit that." TA says joining in theconvo." Hey are you going to eat the rest of those pancakes?"

" No you can have them." I smile.

" Thanks sis your a fucking life savor, so I heard you chucking up your guts you must have a massive hangover."

" No my stomache just hurts really bad."

" If your throwing up tomorrow you should probaly go to the doctor, but Im going to go." Teddi says giving me a hug.

" I will, bye girl."

" Okay good, text me tomorrow and tell me what sup."

" I will." she kisses me on the cheek even though Tevan was about to scratch out her throat, she has balls.


Sunday 3:00

doctors office

" Well I figured out why you are throwing up in the morning." my doctor states.

" Why?"

" Your pregnaunt."

" I'm what?"

" Pregnant." he repeats.

" Holy shit!" I cry." No this can't be happening, oh  no."

" Should I call in your friend?" He questions.

" Yes please." I sniffle

He picks up the phone." Hey Connie can you send in the girl that was with Ms. Harper."

We waited about five minutes until Teddi walked threw the door.

" Whats wrong?" she asks.

" I'm pregnant!'


I finally updated :) I'm so weird but when I get a new Idea for a story I have to post it, so soon there might be a new story up!

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