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Nick was surrounded by darkness and silence. She turned around on the spot looking for anything other than darkness but there wasn't anything. 

“Hello?” She called out, “Anyone there?” 


That was expected though considering she was in darkness she didn't expect anyone else to be there. Slowly she took steps making sure that she wouldn't bump into anything or fall. 

“Stop hiding from it.” A voice echoed around her. 

“Hiding?” Nick called out stopping in her tracks, “Hiding from what?” 


Suddenly the darkness disappeared and she was back in the Glade. Every boy inside the Glade was standing in front of her, staring at her. 

Cold hands touched her shoulders, gripping them tightly and sending shivers down her spine. Nick wanted to look back but it was as if there was a force stopping her from doing so. 

Grievers surrounded the boys but they didn't react. Unlike Nick who tried to shout at them, trying to tell them to run but her body did not move. 

“You did this to them.” The figure behind her whispered in her ear. 

Painful screams came from the boys as the Grievers attacked, tearing them to pieces. Nick sunk to the floor, clamping her hands tightly over her ears but it didn't help. 

The screams got louder and louder as she tried to block them out. Tears running down her face, her eyes squeezed shut. 

“You did this!” The figure shouted, “This is your fault.” 

It grabbed her chin pulling it up, her eyes opened on their own falling on the dead bodies of the boys. 

“You should’ve never let Thomas in the Glade.” 

She finally looked at the figure but it wasn't a person. It was black mist in the shape of a figure.

“It's not my fault.” Her voice came out as a whisper, “I didn't kill them.” 

It crouched down in front of her, “You let Thomas stay in the Glade. You helped him in Section seven.” 

The figure took her hand lifting it up so she could see them, blood covered them. The boy's blood. 

“Why, Love?” Newt asked. 

His body was closest to her, the last one alive and he looked heart broken. Nick shook her head refusing to believe it. 

“I thought you loved me..” He struggled to breathe. 

“I do.” She cried, “I do, I do love you.” 

“You let us die, you let me die.” 

Nick watched as he took his last breath before his head fell back. All the life took out of him just like the other boys in front of her. 

Their screams come back again but much louder than before. She clamped her hands over her ears again but it did nothing.

Nick woke with a gasp, her eyes flying around trying to figure out the situation. Finally they fell on Newt who was staring off into the Glade. 

One of his hands was tangled with hers, his thumb running across her skin. The last thing she remembered was leaning her head on Newt's shoulder for a moment after helping dig the graves. 

Inventing Love ♡Newt♡ Where stories live. Discover now