So When I Touchdown

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Today is the first game of the football season, and Trav has the first game of the season. Us (Wildcats) against Memorial (Tigers). This is probably the most anxious we've both been for a first game. we always lose to Memorial. Don't get me wrong I really hope we win, but I really don't think we will.

Today during 5th period choir, a student asked me something about Travis and I didn't know what to do or what to say. No one in the school knows we're dating. If they did only Lord knows what would happen. God that would be a nightmare. I think the question was something like "Why is the football coach always in here during lunch," or something like that. Of course being a nervous wreck, I just said neither of us like eating lunch in the teachers' lounge so I invited him in here and it's been that way since. Point is, I'm terrified for the game.

Later that day during lunch, Trav came in.

"Hey babe. You ready for the game?" I ask.
"I mean... it's Memorial so we're gonna try, but I don't think we're gonna win." He says not very confidently.
"You're too good to not win Hun. You'll do great." I reassure him.
"Thanks babe. It means a hell of a lot." He thanks me.
"Of course." I say back giving him a kiss which is quickly broken by a student walking in. Damn I hope they didn't see anything.
"Hey Elyse, what's up?" I ask as the girl enters the room.
"Nothing much, I just needed to ask you something." She says nonchalantly.
"Yeah of course. What is it?" I ask now curious.
"Ok, first I need some references for a broadway national tour audition, and I wanted know if it was ok if I used you as one?" She asks.
"Oh my god of course! It would be an honor. Which musical?" I ask her excitedly.
"Wicked! And you know that's my favorite musical!" She exclaims happily.
"Oh my god Ik so proud of you!" I congratulate her. "Anyway you said there was one more." I remind her.
"Oh yeah. I hope it's not too... personal..." she trails off.
"Just throw it out there... if it's personal it's personal. Go for it." I tell her.
"Ok then. But did I see you and Coach Kelce kiss when I walked in...?" She trails off toward the end the question and my face goes red. I loom to Travis giving him the 'is it ok if I share this' look. He gives me a nod saying it's ok.
"Uh... yeah actually. You did. But you CANNOT tell a soul! Got it?!" I say with emphasis to make sure she knows.
"Yeah got it. Congrats by the way guys. You guys are cute together." She complements.
"Thank you Elyse." I thank her.
"It's my pleasure." She replies. "Well I'm gonna head back to lunch." She exits the room.
"That was... not what I thought it was gonna be." I comment.
"Yeah for sure." He says "Yiu sure she won't tell anyone though?" He asks concerned.
"Yeah. She's the most trustworthy person I know. Other than you of course." I reassure him pensively.
"Alright then," he continues "if you say so." He says.

Later that night at the game, I'm in the bleachers with my family when I start hearing whispers. I don't what they could be about, but I swear if it's about about Travis and I, Elyse and I are gonna have a talk.

The game's going surprisingly well. So far we're winning 30-0 which is a huge shocker. The whispers have only gotten louder since they've started. I think Trav even heard them because at one point, he looked up at me and gave me a questioning look. If you're wondering I just shrugged back at him.

After the game we needed up winning 30-6 which I was elated to find out. Once the game ended I went into his office as it's the only place we can ever meet without being interrupted. Once Travis walks into his office I'm sitting on his desk on my phone, scrolling through the students' posts from tonight.

"Hey baby!" He greets me with the biggest, warmest smile in the world.
"Oh my hid you did so good! I'm so proud of you!" I exclaim to him.
"Thank you." He thanks me.
"Come here," I instruct "I haven't felt you in forever."
"Alright baby."
"I need you."
"What do you need Freon me Hun?"
"Everything... every inch, piece, bit... part."
"Oh yeah. Well I'll let you have whatever the hell you want babe." He says in a husky low tone.
"Alright." I say pulling him in closer to me while crashing my lips onto his as we start to makeup with me sitting on his desk.

As I'm on his desk, he moves closer and positions himself between my legs as he stands there making out with me as well. As things escalate, I feel his tongue lick me bottom lip wanting is. I grant him permission and our tongues fight to the death.

"How about we take this home?" I ask in a sexy tone after he started sucking the spot behind my ear which made me moan a bit.
"Sound great." He says as we a walk out to the empty locker room and head to me car.


Srry for the long chapter. It's like 100 words longer than normal😭

Ily wildest dreams🤟🏼

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