Chapter 25: Mid-Semester Time

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The once lively campus, filled with the buzz of sports and social events, now transformed into a quiet, focused atmosphere as mid-semester exams loomed over everyone. The library was packed with students buried in their textbooks, while the coffee shop saw a constant stream of tired eyes and frantic notes. Stress hung thick in the air, and even the most carefree souls were feeling the pressure.

Sayanshi sat at her favorite spot in the library, surrounded by a mountain of books and notes. Her usually cheerful demeanor had taken on a more serious edge as she tried to balance her studies with the whirlwind of emotions that had engulfed her life recently. The intense moments with Rajvansh, Tanya's wicked schemes, and the cricket matches all seemed to blur together as she focused on the looming exams.

Across the table, Neharika was furiously typing away on her laptop, trying to finish an assignment that was due the next day. Vibha, on the other hand, was flipping through flashcards, mumbling formulas under her breath.

The boys, too, were feeling the pressure. Rajvansh, Medhant, and Faiz had taken over a corner of the library, each lost in their own world of studies. Even though they were top performers on the field, academics required a different kind of endurance.

"Can you believe how much they've crammed into this syllabus?" Neharika groaned, rubbing her temples. "It's like they want us to fail."

"Tell me about it," Vibha sighed, slumping back in her chair. "I can't wait for this to be over."

Sayanshi smiled slightly at her friends' complaints, but her mind was elsewhere. She glanced over at Rajvansh, who was deep in concentration, his brows furrowed as he studied his notes. Despite the stress of the exams, he still managed to look effortlessly composed.

As if sensing her gaze, Rajvansh looked up and met her eyes. A small, knowing smile played on his lips, and for a moment, the stress of exams melted away. It was just the two of them, sharing a quiet connection in the midst of the chaos.

But reality quickly snapped back into place as Neharika's voice broke the silence. "Sayanshi, do you remember the formula for this equation? I'm completely lost."

"Yeah, I think it's..." Sayanshi began, her mind shifting gears back to the academic grind.

The next few days passed in a blur of late-night study sessions, group discussions, and last-minute revisions. The entire group seemed to operate on autopilot, fueled by coffee and determination.

Finally, the day of the first exam arrived. The tension in the air was palpable as students filed into the exam hall, their faces a mix of anxiety and focus. Sayanshi took a deep breath as she found her seat, glancing around at her friends who were scattered throughout the room.

As the exam began, the only sound that filled the hall was the scratching of pens on paper. Time seemed to stretch and contract as everyone worked through the questions, their minds racing against the clock.

When the exam was finally over, the group reconvened outside the hall, their faces showing a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

"That was brutal," Faiz muttered, rubbing his eyes. "I don't think I've ever written so much in my life."

"I feel like my brain just ran a marathon," Medhant agreed, stretching his arms.

"Same here," Sayanshi said, though there was a small smile on her face. "But hey, one down, a few more to go."

Rajvansh nodded, his usual confident demeanor back in place. "We've got this. Just a few more hurdles, and we'll be back to enjoying college life."

They all shared a laugh, the camaraderie easing the lingering tension. The exams were tough, but they knew they could handle whatever came their way—as long as they had each other.

With that, they headed to the cafeteria for a much-needed break, ready to refuel and recharge before diving back into the next round of challenges.


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