Chapter 29: The Sari Day Dance

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The sun had begun to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the campus as the Sari Day festivities reached their peak. The college had organized a dance event in the open courtyard, where the soft strains of traditional music filled the air. Colorful lights were strung overhead, and students gathered in excited clusters, eager to participate in the cultural celebration.

Sayanshi, still basking in the compliments she had received throughout the day, adjusted the pleats of her sari one last time as she walked with Vibha and Neharika towards the courtyard. Her emerald-green sari shimmered in the twilight, and with every step, the gold embroidery seemed to catch the light, making her stand out even more.

The entire day had been perfect so far, but Sayanshi couldn't shake the butterflies in her stomach as she anticipated the dance. Rajvansh had been watching her all day, and though she pretended not to notice, every time their eyes met, she felt a warmth bloom in her chest.

The courtyard was already bustling with energy. Students stood in groups, chatting and laughing as the music started to pick up, signaling the beginning of the dance. Couples began to move to the center, twirling and swaying to the rhythm of the traditional tunes.

Rajvansh, standing with Medhant and Faiz, glanced across the courtyard and spotted Sayanshi arriving with her friends. She looked ethereal under the glow of the hanging lights, and his heart skipped a beat. He had been thinking about her all day, but something about the dance felt significant—a moment where they could both step away from the usual teasing and banter and just be themselves.

"Are you going to ask her to dance?" Medhant nudged him, catching the way Rajvansh's gaze lingered on Sayanshi.

Rajvansh hesitated, then nodded. "I think I will."

The music changed to a slower, more intimate rhythm, and the crowd parted as pairs took the floor. Sayanshi, who had been chatting with Vibha, noticed a figure approaching her from the corner of her eye. She turned, and there was Rajvansh, his eyes fixed on her in a way that made her breath catch.

"May I have this dance?" he asked, his voice steady but with a hint of vulnerability she hadn't seen in him before.

Sayanshi's heart raced. She wasn't expecting him to ask, and the way he was looking at her now—like she was the only person in the crowd—made her pulse quicken. She nodded, unable to hide the small smile playing on her lips.

They moved towards the center of the courtyard, and as the music began, Rajvansh gently placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her into the dance. Sayanshi placed her hand in his, and they began to move in sync with the rhythm. At first, their steps were tentative, but as they found their pace, it felt natural—effortless.

The crowd around them seemed to blur as they focused on each other. The soft notes of the music swirled in the air, but neither of them was really paying attention to it. It was the way they moved together, the way their eyes kept meeting, that made the moment feel electric.

"You're a good dancer," Sayanshi remarked, trying to steady her nerves with casual conversation.

Rajvansh chuckled softly. "You're not so bad yourself."

They continued to dance, their movements growing more fluid as they relaxed into the rhythm. As the song progressed, the distance between them shrank. Sayanshi could feel the warmth radiating from Rajvansh, and with every spin, every step, it felt like the air between them was charged with something unspoken.

As they danced, Sayanshi noticed Rajvansh's gaze soften. His usual confident exterior seemed to melt away, replaced by something gentler, more vulnerable.

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