Chapter 36: Teasing and Tenderness

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It was a rainy afternoon when the group decided to have a study session in the library. The monsoon outside provided a calming backdrop, the gentle patter of raindrops against the windows adding a serene rhythm to their reading. Sayanshi was seated beside Rajvansh, as usual, but lately, everything about their proximity felt charged, as if every small movement between them sent sparks into the air.

Medhant, as always, was the first to notice. "Rajvansh, why do you always end up sitting next to Sayanshi? There are plenty of other seats, you know." His teasing tone was all too familiar, and as the rest of the group—Vibha, Neha, and Faiz—joined in, Rajvansh just shot them a half-hearted glare.

"Maybe I like this seat," Rajvansh said nonchalantly, his voice low but unmistakably firm, while he adjusted the book in front of him.

"Oh, really?" Neha chimed in with a smirk. "I think it's less about the seat and more about the company."

Sayanshi could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. She had never been the center of such relentless teasing, and the fact that it was about her and Rajvansh made her heart flutter in a way that both thrilled and embarrassed her. Her usual calm composure wavered as she glanced at Rajvansh from the corner of her eye. He was trying to play it cool, but the way his fingers tapped restlessly against the table suggested he was aware of her every move.

Vibha leaned across the table, grinning widely. "Come on, Rajvansh. You're always so protective of her. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're secretly her bodyguard."

Medhant snorted. "Bodyguard? He's practically glued to her side 24/7. Admit it, man, you've got it bad."

Rajvansh rolled his eyes but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his lips. "Maybe I just care," he said, a rare softness entering his tone, surprising even himself.

Sayanshi felt her heart skip a beat at his words. She tried to focus on the textbook in front of her, but her thoughts were racing. She didn't know how to handle this—Rajvansh's open affection, the teasing from their friends, the way her own feelings were becoming harder to hide. She had always prided herself on being level-headed, but around him, it was as if her emotions were constantly on the edge of spilling over.

As the group continued to throw playful jabs at them, Sayanshi finally spoke up, her voice quiet but steady. "You all have too much free time," she said, trying to deflect the attention.

But the moment she said it, she felt Rajvansh's hand brush against hers under the table. It was so subtle that none of their friends noticed, but to her, it felt like a current of warmth, sending a shiver down her spine. Without thinking, she gently intertwined her fingers with his, her heart racing as she did. It was the first time she had initiated contact between them, and the gesture spoke volumes.

Rajvansh's breath hitched slightly at the feel of her hand in his. He glanced down at their entwined fingers, then back up at her, his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't say anything, but the soft smile he gave her spoke louder than words.

Their friends were oblivious, caught up in their own banter, but Sayanshi could feel the shift between them—the unspoken tenderness that now lay beneath every interaction. She was no longer just the girl who Rajvansh protected; she was the girl who had his heart, and he had hers. It was as if the teasing had pushed them into acknowledging what had always been there between them.

Throughout the rest of the study session, Sayanshi found herself giving Rajvansh small smiles when no one was looking, letting her guard down in ways she hadn't before. And Rajvansh? He was utterly captivated. Every glance she gave him, every soft smile, sent his heart racing in a way that no one else ever had.

By the time they packed up to leave, the air between them was filled with a quiet understanding. As they walked out of the library with the others, Sayanshi's hand brushed against his again, and this time, she didn't pull away. Neither did he.

The rain outside had stopped, but the clouds overhead were still dark, and the cool breeze carried with it the scent of wet earth. The group said their goodbyes, and as Vibha and the others walked ahead, Sayanshi and Rajvansh lingered behind, just the two of them.

"Are you okay with all the teasing?" Rajvansh asked after a moment, his voice low and full of concern.

Sayanshi looked up at him, her heart swelling with affection. "I don't mind it," she admitted softly. "As long as it's true."

Rajvansh's eyes locked with hers, his gaze intense yet tender. He reached for her hand again, this time openly, not caring if anyone saw. "It is," he said, his voice firm. "It's true."

Sayanshi smiled, a soft blush creeping onto her cheeks. For the first time, she didn't shy away from his possessiveness. Instead, she embraced it, letting herself fall deeper into the growing connection between them.

As they walked side by side back to the dorms, the teasing laughter of their friends still echoing in the background, Sayanshi knew that something had changed. Rajvansh wasn't just her protector anymore—he was her partner, her equal. And in his presence, she felt safer and more cherished than she ever had before.


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