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As we finally settled down for a break, I could feel the weight of the day's events pressing heavily on me. Solarys went off to forage for food, and Seph headed out to find materials for a fire. Left alone with my thoughts, I sank onto a large, flat rock and opened the book I had taken from the library.

The book was old and worn, its pages yellowed with age. The words seemed to shimmer slightly in the dim light, as if they were alive and holding secrets just beneath the surface. I was determined to uncover more about the dark creatures and the war that had happened centuries ago. But as I flipped through the pages, searching for more information, something unusual caught my eye.

In the corner of one of the pages, hidden beneath the margins of a long-forgotten account, there was a series of intricate symbols. They were faint and almost imperceptible, but they seemed to glow with a faint, eerie light. The symbols were arranged in a pattern that I hadn't seen before, and they seemed to pulse with a rhythm that matched the beating of my heart.

I leaned in closer, my breath catching in my throat. As I focused on the symbols, I felt a strange sensation—like a tugging at the edge of my consciousness. The symbols seemed to call to me, beckoning me to decipher their meaning. I reached out tentatively, tracing the symbols with my fingers. The moment I touched them, a shiver ran down my spine, and the symbols began to glow more intensely.

A single line of text beneath the symbols began to come into focus. It was written in an ancient language, one that I could barely comprehend, but the essence of the words was clear: "The key to the past lies within the shadows of the present."

My heart raced as I tried to make sense of the message. What did it mean? How did it relate to what had happened in the cage with the key and the stone? And why was this message hidden in such an obscure place?

As I pondered the cryptic message, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was crucial to understanding the larger picture. The encounter with Elyra, the mysterious changes, and the dark creature that had been pursuing us—all of it seemed to be interconnected in ways that I didn't yet fully understand.

The symbols on the page seemed to react to my thoughts, their glow intensifying as if in response to my growing realization. I flipped through the rest of the book, searching for more clues, but the symbols remained isolated in their hidden corner.

I closed the book with a sense of both excitement and frustration. The symbols had given me a new direction to pursue, but they had also deepened the mystery. I needed to find out more about these symbols and their connection to the past.

Just then, I heard the crackling of a fire being built nearby. Seph had returned and was working on setting up the fire. Solarys was already back, carrying a small cache of berries and nuts.

They approached, their faces showing signs of exhaustion but relief at having gathered everything we needed for the evening. Seph glanced at me curiously, her eyes landing on the book in my lap.

"Find anything interesting?" she asked, trying to peer at the book.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal. "A few intriguing details," I replied. "There are some ancient symbols and a message that might be important. But I need to spend more time figuring them out."

Solarys set the food down and took a seat beside me. "Anything we should be worried about?"

I shook my head, trying to keep my voice steady. "Not yet. But there's something about these symbols that feels significant. It might be related to what we've been through."

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