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I turn back to the bar, but Shadow and Raven have vanished, and Blade is nowhere to be seen. Panic bubbles up inside me, a tight knot forming in my chest. My heart races, and I can't help but wonder if this is all part of the game. Though fear flutters in the pit of my stomach, there's another part of me—stronger, more insistent—that's eager to find out what comes next. The thrill of the unknown is almost intoxicating.

Before I can dwell too long on my anxiety, a sultry voice reaches my ear. "You look like you need some air."

I turn to find the woman from the front door standing beside me, a knowing smile playing on her lips beneath her mask. Her presence is both comforting and unnerving, and I can't help but ask, "Are you part of the game?"

The blonde woman laughs softly, the sound rich with amusement, as she hooks her arm through mine, gently leading me away from the dance floor. "I am part of Obsidian, but no, this is not my game. This is Blade's game. And though Raven and Shadow will participate, make no mistake of who is in charge."

I swallow hard, her words sinking in as she guides me past the bathrooms. My mind races, trying to process everything. "Who are you?" I ask, needing to know more about this woman who seems so at ease in this world that's suddenly become so foreign to me.

"I'm Vixen," she replies with a playful lilt in her voice, her tone light but carrying a weight of experience and authority. She opens a door for me, leading the way.

I follow her into the cool night air, the sudden change in temperature a welcome reprieve from the heat and tension inside. The breeze brushes against my skin, calming my nerves, if only for a moment. "Thanks," I mumble, closing my eyes as I lift my face to the sky, trying to center myself amid all this chaos.

Vixen releases my arm, her voice dropping to an almost inaudible whisper, sending a chill down my spine. "Don't thank me yet."

Her words hang in the air, ominous and heavy, but before I can even ask her what she means, everything happens at once. The back door slams shut as she reenters the party, leaving me alone in the night. A van skids to a sudden stop in front of me, its tires screeching against the pavement. The sliding door opens with a violent jerk, and before I can react, a bag is shoved over my head, plunging me into darkness.

Strong arms grab me, yanking me inside the van with a force that knocks the breath from my lungs. I struggle, panic flaring as I try to fight against the iron grip holding me, but it's no use. The arms wrap around me like a vice, pressing me against a solid body as the van lurches forward, throwing me back into the man's chest.

I feel his breath hot against my neck as he leans down to whisper, his voice smooth and taunting. "Do you remember your safe word?"

I can only nod, fear and adrenaline coursing through me, making it impossible to form words. He chuckles, the sound sending a shiver through me, and then I feel another set of hands—rough and deliberate—gripping my legs.

"I need words, Red!" His voice is more menacing this time, a sharp edge cutting through the darkness. I swallow hard, forcing myself to speak, even as my voice trembles.

"Mercy," I mutter meekly, the word barely escaping my lips.

A laugh rings out from the front of the van, the driver's voice dripping with amusement. "Good girl. It won't be asked again. It's up to you if you need to use it. You understand?"

"Yes," I whisper, my voice barely audible beneath the pounding of my heart. His arms release me just as I hear the unmistakable sound of fabric tearing, the cool night air hitting my skin as I realize my dress is being cut away.

The van hits a bump, and I'm thrown back into the man's lap, his hands gripping my hips tightly, grinding me against the hard length of his cock through his slacks. He purrs in my ear, his voice low and smooth, laced with dark promises. "You feel good here." His grip tightens, his breath hot against the side of my neck. "We're so excited to have a new plaything..."

The words send a shudder through me, a mix of fear and desire twisting in my gut. I'm caught between the terror of what's happening and the thrill of the unknown, every nerve in my body on high alert as I try to process what's unfolding around me. The van speeds through the night, the hum of the engine drowning out the chaos in my mind, but there's no escaping the reality of what's coming next.

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