Chapter 2

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"Have a safe time here in London." says the flight announcer.

"Elisabeth wake up. We are here!" Jumping up and down with excitement.

The flight took about 9-10 hours from where we lived in Iowa, I just couldn't fall asleep. I just kept thinking about London because that's where we will meet her family members. Also I have a weird feeling in my stomach and I don't know why. Elisabeth on the other hand fell asleep so fast I didn't even say a word to her. She must have been exhausted. We get off the air plane and walk to get some food. We see a McDonalds and started walking over their. I wasn't that hungry so I get some fries, a small frosty. Elisabeth gets the same but, gets a water instead.

"So do you know where we are getting picked up?" I question while eating my fries.

"Yeah they should be here in 5 minutes so we need to start heading to the front of the air port."

"Okay lets get going. Who is all coming?"

"Well it will be my aunt,uncle, an 2 cousins. My aunts name is Charlotte, Uncle Alex, Noah, Lucas"

"And that's them." Elisabeth point over to see 4 people waving at us.

Elisabeth runs over their and engulfs them into a hug. I laugh and grab both of are bags and walk over there. I say my hi's to everyone, Lucas keeps staring at me. He is 18 just a year under me and Noah is 10. I just smile at him and ignore him. And whisper to Elisabeth.

"Um.. Lucas keeps staring at me."

Elisabeth just looks over at Lucas with a smirk on her face, Lucas just gives her a confused look. She just laughs "Lets get going now." So everyone hops in the van and we start to drive to there house.

It was a 10 minute ride to the house everyone except Elisabeth's aunt and uncle were on there phones. We all got out and we got our bags out. Lucas helped with our bags while Noah ran into the house.

"Kids these days" I say rolling my eyes giggling.

I grabbed the last suit case and shut the trunk of the car. and walked inside. The house was a Normal sized house. The only thing was that Elisabeth and I have to share a room which isn't that bad. That means I can take her stuff haha. There was a Flat screen T.V with a x-box and a bunch load of games and I just stand there in awe.

"You play any?" Lucas said poking me making me to stop thinking.

"uh.. yeah I used to play some of these" I say pointing to Black Ops 2.

"Wanna Play?" Lucas asked while he goes and turns it on.

"Yeah sure why not" I say giving him a smirk.

Lucas sets up the game while I head to their kitchen and make some popcorn. After 2 minutes the popcorn was ready. I open the bag and poor the popcorn into a big bowl and walk back out to see the word zombies in all caps on the screen. I threw a piece of popcorn that was at the bowl at him and it got his attention.

"Didn't even know there was popcorn even in the kitchen." Lucas laughs as he walks over.

"Lets just say I brought a couple bags." I say giving him the bowl and sitting down.

"Ready?" He asks.

"I'm ready."

After 25 minutes of playing Lucas dies and starts to scream.


I scream back at him "I'M COMING I'M SORRY YOU'RE BAD AT THIS GAME!!"

At this point I used the ray gun and killed all the zombies around him and revived him, and at the same time we were laughing are heads off. after another 20 minutes we both died. We made it to round 19. And our bowl was completely completely empty.

"Well Miss. Zombie killer your did pretty well when you "haven't played" in a long time" Lucas says while being sarcastic.

"I'm sorry I'm better at the game then you." I say giving him a innocent look.

"Oh whatever" He says playfully punching my shoulder.

"Everyone hits me in the shoulder" I fake cry/ laugh at the same time.

"Well get used to it for 2 months" Lucas says with a smirk.

I just roll my eyes and walk to find Elisabeth. I went into my room to find her passed out on the bed. I whisper to her to wake her up.

"Hey Elisabeth"

She didn't wake up so I lightly shaking her arm. She shot up which scared the living shit out of me.

"uh?" Elisabeth says in a lower voice than normal.

"Do you wanna go to Star-buck's in a little bit?" I question her because I'm really bored.

"Yeah..Give me 10 minutes" Elisabeth says while she gets up to splash water in her eyes so she can wake up.

I smile and go to my suit case. I haven't unpacked yet so yeah so I look at what I have and I picked out (Image). I walk to the bathroom and changed. I put my hair in a pony tail, walked out. Elisabeth is wearing (Image) and her hair up in a bun.

"You ready?" I say while I go sit on the bed.

"Yep just let me get the keys to the van." She says walking out.

Lucas walks in and sits next to me.

"So what you doing?" He asks

"Waiting for Elisabeth the keys so we can go to Star-bucks because i'm really bored." I answer while I wait.

"Do you guys want a ride? I can give you guys one." Lucas insisted but before i could answer Elisabeth walks in.

"I got the keys ready?" Elisabeth chirps.

"Maybe Next time Lucas thanks though." I say while i get up.

"I'll drive because you just woke up." I grab the keys and walk out the door.

We hop into the van and turn on the radio to whatever was on.

"So what do you want to do other than get Star-buck's?" I question while I'm focusing on the road.

"We could go look around and figure out what the cool spots are" Elisabeth says while scrolling threw her phone.

"Dude this is really weird because they have the steering wheel on the other side." I say

"Yeah just don't get in a accident please." Elisabeth chuckles and then grabbing the handle above her seat

We finally get to Star-buck's and get in line. They're really busy but we were lucky and wasn't that far from the front. We waited to get in line and a girl about are age takes are order.

"Hi I'm Victoria how may I help you?" She said with a fake smile.

"Hi I would like a S'mores Frappuccino blended with coffee please." I say.

"I would like Caramel Macchiato please" Elisabeth says.

We watch as the worker or Victoria make us are order. After a couple of minutes she comes back with the two drinks.

"Here you do that will be £5.00" Victoria says handing us the drinks.

"Thank you" We both say while we give her the money.

We start to walk out then someone runs right into me....


Hey Guys! Sorry for that little cliff hanger but it might me who you think might not who knows haha.

Next chapter will be out whenever i can start typing it. I Have a very important soccer/football thing I have to go to so wish me luck haha! okay well I'm going soo peace!

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